Location Changed Agenda Changed
Chair: Rep. Tom Rukavina
Location: Basement State Office Building
HF12 (Mahoney) Unemployment compensation definitions modified.
HF315 (Johnson) Ramsey County; Workforce development funding provided for adjudicated youth reentering the community and at-risk youth, and money appropriated.
HF567 (Gunther) Bioscience business development public infrastructure grant program expanded.
HF821 (Morrow) Rural Policy and Development Center funding provided, money appropriated.
HF848 (Brynaert) Employment support services funding provided for persons with mental illness, money appropriated.
HF868 (Mahoney) Bioscience business development public infrastructure grant program expanded.
HF869 (Rukavina) Midwest Higher Education Compact state membership funding provided and money appropriated.
HF871 (Rukavina) Minnesota Office of Higher Education report required on certain financial transactions.
HF1045 (Mullery) Summer youth employment funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1099 (Lanning) Perham; Northern Connections grant funding provided to implem