Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
Agenda is subject to change. More bills may be added. Bills may be taken in any order.
If the agenda is not finished during the committee's allotted time, the committee will recess and the agenda will be continued in the evening.
Bills Added:
(Zerwas) - Minnesota Eligibility System Executive Steering Committee established to govern the Minnesota eligibility system, and MNsure board composition modified.
(Erickson) - Legislative study group established to review the legislative auditor's 2016 report on kindergarten through grade 12 teacher licensure and consider how to implement the recommendations, and Board of Teaching report required.
(Newberger) - Unmanned aerial vehicle use prohibited near public safety helicopters.
(Sanders) - Election and election administration provisions modified, timeline modified for when a special election is required to fill a vacancy on a school board, appointment of specified county offices authorized, and technical changes made.
(Fabian) - Public Utilities Commission member election at the state general election provided.
(Cornish) - Labor agreements and compensation plan ratified.
(Drazkowski) - Labor agreements and compensation plans ratified, affirmative approval required before interim implementation of state employee collective bargaining agreements, exclusive representatives prohibited from requiring political contributions, and open meetings required.
(Mariani) - Small vehicle passenger service ordinances that regulate pedicabs requirements amended.
(Erhardt) - Edina; time to file approval of a 2014 special law extended.
(Melin) - Hibbing's Public Utility Commission membership increase authorized.
(Lueck) - Mineral Coordinating Committee extended, task force created to study aggregate resources, and appointments provided.
(Knoblach) - Northstar commuter rail passenger service extension and modification negotiations initiation required.
(Ward) - Perpich Center for Arts Education board structure amended, and additional oversight provided.
(Sanders) - Voting equipment grant account established, county and municipality grant for acquisition of authorized voting equipment provided, and money appropriated.
(Sanders) - Wireless communications service provider added to the statute allowing use of public roads by other utilities, task force established to study and make recommendations on deployment of small wireless telecommunications facilities, and report required.
The committee will reconvene at 6:30pm in room 5 of the State Office Building.
Agenda is subject to change. More bills may be added. Bills may be taken in any order.
If the agenda is not finished during the committee's allotted time, the committee will recess and the agenda will be continued in the evening.
Bills Added:
(Hackbarth) - Blaze orange hunting requirements modified to allow blaze pink.
(Knoblach) - Minnesota State Colleges and Universities personnel plan ratified.
(Knoblach) - Labor agreements ratified, and compensation plan approved.
(Vogel) - Municipality use of public utility license, permit rights, or franchise fees to raise revenue notice, hearing, and reverse referendum provided.
(Kresha) - Child protection legislative task force extended.
(Franson) - Eyelash extension services regulated, and continuing education requirements modified.
(Albright) - Sewer availability charges imposed on eating or drinking establishments that add or expand outdoor seating regulated.
(Albright) - Metropolitan Council membership and terms modified, Blue Ribbon Commission on the Metropolitan Council created, appointments provided, and money appropriated.
(Bly) - Minnesota Organic Advisory Task Force extended, agriculture commissioner required to consult the Minnesota Organic Advisory Task Force and provide recommendations to the legislature, and report required.
(Sanders) - Wireless communications service provider added to the statute allowing use of public roads by other utilities, task force established to study and make recommendations on deployment of small wireless telecommunications facilities, and report required.
Agenda is subject to change. More bills may be added. Bills may be taken in any order.
Election bills will be laid over for possible inclusion in an elections omnibus bill.
If the agenda is not finished during the committee's allotted time, the committee will recess and the agenda will be continued in the evening.
Bills Added:
(Howe) - Special election timeline to fill a vacancy on a school board modified.
(Sanders) - Election and election administration provisions modified, timeline modified for when a special election is required to fill a vacancy on a school board, appointment of specified county offices authorized, and technical changes made.
(McNamara) - In-person absentee ballot alternative method authorized.
(Peterson) - Temporary family health care dwelling zoning regulated, and temporary family health care dwellings added to the definition of a housing with services establishment.
(Zerwas) - Orthotics, prosthetics, and pedorthics regulated; licensure required; and fees established.
(Norton) - Permanent child support task force created, and report required.
Please note that the presidential primary bill will be updated with the correct number (the House companion to SF 2985) when the bill is introduced.
***The correct bill number for presidential primary is HF 3549. Language can be found here:
Bills Added:
(McNamara) - Invasive special control provided, wild rice license requirements modified, streamlined review of plans and regulations provided, civil penalties provided and modified, Wildfire Act modified, Sand Dunes State Forest logging prohibited, and report required.
(Sanders) - Presidential primary established, provisions related to precinct caucuses modified, and technical and conforming changes made.
(Sundin) - Sanitary district creation, annexation, detachment, and dissolution procedures modified; and filing and hearing requirements modified.
(Nash) - Public hearing required after ten-day notice before imposing an interim ordinance relating to housing.
(Laine) - Ramsey County; human resource statutes technical changes made.