Thomas E. Huntley, Chair
Vice Chair Hosch began the twenty-ninth meeting at 12:18 p.m. on Thursday, March 22, 2007, in Room 200 of the State Office Building. A quorum was not present.
HF 1807 (Huntley) - Inpatient hospital services payment required on a fee-for-services basis for the general assistance medical care program.
Rep. Huntley made a brief presentation and introduced Lee Greenfield, representing Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, who testified on the bill:
A quorum present at 12:31 p.m., Vice Chair Hosch formally called the meeting to order. The clerk noted the roll:
Members present:
Huntley, Thomas, Chair
Hosch, Larry, Vice-Chair
Abeler, Jim
Brod, Laura
Bunn, Julie
Dean, Matt
Fritz, Patti
Gottwalt, Steve
Liebling, Tina
Loeffler, Diane
Murphy, Erin
Otremba, Mary Ellen
Peppin, Joyce
Peterson, Sandra
Ruud, Maria
Slawik, Nora
Thao, Cy
Thissen, Paul
Walker, Neva
Members excused:
Anderson, Bruce2
Erickson, Sondra
Rep. Loeffler moved approval of the March 21 minutes. The motion prevailed.
Rep. Huntley moved HF 1807 before the Division for consideration and also moved the
H1807DE1 amendment. The motion prevailed. Discussion followed.
Rep. Huntley renewed his motion that HF 1807, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 842 (Huntley) - Child care, children and family, licensing, health care, continuing care, mental health, health insurance, and Department of Health provisions modified; and money appropriated.
Rep. Huntley moved HF 842 be taken off the table for further discussion and Jane Hardwick, Chief Financial Officer, Department of Human Services, testified to change items to the bill resulting from the February forecast.
Rep. Huntley moved the
H0842A4-1 amendment and further moved a verbal amendment to the
H0842A-1 amendment as follows:
page 4, line 4.16, change "lines 3-33" to "lines 30-33"
The verbal amendment was incorporated into the
H0842A4-1 amendment.
Sue Bankin, DHS Manager, came to the table to answer questions of members.
H0842A4-1 amendment, as amended, was adopted on a voice vote.
Rep. Huntley moved the
A07-0530 amendment. Testifying to the amendment was:
Scott Leitz, Assistant Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Health
Rep. Huntley renewed the motion to adopt the
A07-0530 amendment. The motion prevailed.
Vice Chair Hosch moved the
A07-0287 amendment and brief discussion followed.
Vice Chair Hosch renewed his motion and the
A07-0287 amendment was adopted.
There being no further discussion, Vice Chair Hosch moved HF 842, as amended, be laid over again for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 1073 (Hamilton) - Prescription drug removal from the formulary notice required.
Vice Chair Hosch moved the bill before the Division for consideration. Discussion followed.
The Vice Chair renewed his motion that HF 1073 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 1404 (Thissen) - Hospital outpatient services rate increase provided for a specified essential hospital for children with disabilities.
Rep. Thissen moved HF 1404 before the Division for consideration and gave a brief presentation. Also testifying on behalf of the bill were:
John Diehl, Larkin, Hoffman, Daly & Lindgren, on behalf of Gillette Children's
Specialty Health Care
James Haddican, Chief Financial Officer, Gillette Children’s Specialty Health Care
Deb Cathcart, Nursing VP, U of M Children's Hospital, Fairview
Paul Cassidy, Leonard Street Deinard, on behalf of Gillette Children's
Mary Braddock, MD, Pediatrician and Director, Child Health Policy, Children's
Discussion followed. Rep. Thissen made closing comments on the bill, urging consideration, and renewed his motion that HF 1404 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 1857 (Eken) - Native American juvenile treatment center study and predesign funding provided, and money appropriated.
Vice Chair Hosch moved the bill before the Division for consideration.
Rep. Eken moved a verbal amendment to the bill as follows:
line 1.7, delete "$100,000" and insert “$50,000"
The motion prevailed. The verbal amendment was adopted.
Rep. Eken introduced Erma Vizenor, Chairwoman of the White Earth Tribe, who testified in favor of the bill.
Discussion followed and Bill Haas, representing the White Earth Nation, came to the table to respond to a question regarding the cost of predesign and a feasibility study.
Vice Chair Hosch renewed his motion that HF 1857, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 1395 (Eken) - Nursing facilities, ICFs/MR, and community-based long-term care providers rate increases provided; nursing facility payment rates floor established; long-term care payment rate account established; and money appropriated.
Vice Chair Hosch moved HF 1395 before the Division for consideration in the final omnibus bill. Rep. Eken made a brief presentation of the bill.
Vice Chair Hosch moved adoption of the
H1395A2 amendment. The motion prevailed.
Vice Chair Hosch moved adoption of the
H1395A1 amendment. The motion prevailed.
Discussion followed and testimony was presented by:
Kari Thurlow, Health and Housing Alliance, on behalf of the Long Term Care Imperative
Patti Cullen, Care Providers of MN, on behalf of the Long Term Care Imperative
Allen Potvin, Owner and Administrator of two Nursing Homes; Fosston and Midway
Care Center
Discussion followed.
Vice Chair Hosch moved to amend HF 1395 as follows:
Page 2, after line 35, insert Section 3 and renumber the sections accordingly.
The motion prevailed and the verbal amendment was adopted.
The Vice Chair moved HF 1395, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 1289 (Heidgerken) - Nursing home per diem reimbursements determination procedures modified.
The Vice Chair moved the bill before the Division for consideration and further moved the
H1289A2 amendment. The motion prevailed. The amendment was adopted.
There being no further discussion, Vice Chair Hosch moved HF 1289, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:04 p.m.
Larry Hosch, Vice Chair
Jan Horner, Committee Legislative Assistant