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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jeff Brand (DFL)

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BRAND NEWS with Rep. Jeff Brand

Thursday, May 23, 2024

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Friends and neighbors,

It’s the season finale of BRAND NEWS! 


On Monday, the 93rd Minnesota Legislature adjourned sine die. The last two years have been the most productive in state history, and there is a lot to celebrate. In addition to incredible accomplishments like paid family and medical leave, protecting reproductive rights, feeding our kids at school and cutting child poverty by one third, I’m incredibly excited about the things I was able to deliver for our community, including: 

  • $3.192 million in direct property tax cuts to Blue Earth, Le Sueur, and Nicollet Counties 
  • An additional 8,000+ people in District 18a are not eligible for the child tax credit, which means  an additional $8.8 million in savings in our district 
  • $1 million to help keep Pathstone Living and Benedictine Living Community’s doors open 
  • The River Watch program is going to be expanded into Saint Peter High School.  

Here at the legislature, we also ordered a number of fiscal reports as part of our tax bill so we can gather solid data to make our tax system more fair in years to come.  

While this biennium was remarkable, there’s still work to be done, and I’m not slowing down. There were some things that didn’t quite make it across the finish line that I am going to keep fighting for. This includes guaranteeing fertility treatment coverage for all Minnesotans. Hundreds of thousands of families all across the state need our help to start families.  

We also have more work to do when it comes to railroad safety, which was an issue I passed legislation on this year. In addition, I’m committed to making our area more competitive for business, attracting workers, putting us on a path for technological advancement, expanding the NorthStar promise to cover private colleges like Gustavus and Bethany, and stabilizing small businesses and farmers.  

Minnesota has been an amazing place to raise my family and run my business, and I’m incredibly grateful to you for trusting me to do the work for you to keep us moving forward.  


MDVA Hosting Commemoration of 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War

The Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs is hosting three days of events to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. Vietnam-era veterans and their families, allies, and anyone wishing to thank our veterans can see historical displays, view Vietnam War documentaries, walk through the resource fair, and more. Learn more about the commemoration event here



Slow Mow Summer

You’ve probably heard of “No Mow May” and may have even participated in making your lawn more pollinator-friendly! While it’s a catchy slogan, researchers from the University of Minnesota Bee Lab have modified the popular campaign due to additional research on best practices for pollinators and lawn health. 

“Slow Mow Summer” takes the sentiment of “No Mow May” and expands it to the entire growing season! Because guess what? Bees need food AFTER May, too. Many bee species do not even emerge from hibernation until June or July, when self-heal, ground plum, lanceleaf tickweed, or calico American aster may be blooming in your lawn.  

Mowing after lawn flowers bloom instead of before is the main goal of “Slow Mow Summer.” You can learn more about how best to help native pollinators, like Rusty Patched Bumblebee, survive and thrive here


Stay in Touch 

As always, I want to hear from you. Get in touch by calling 651-296-8634 to reach me, or email Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram for the latest.  

Have a great summer, everyone.


In solidarity,  

Representative Jeff Brand 

Minnesota House of Representatives