Dear Neighbors,
It’s been a busy week at the Capitol. Committees continue to hold remote public hearings on various support measures to help Minnesotans get through the pandemic.
Our Minnesota restaurants have especially been hit hard during the pandemic and have been struggling to hang on for nearly a year. As Chair of the House Commerce Committee, my top priority is the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuring that our businesses, and our small businesses in particular, survive the pandemic and recover quickly once it is over. To that end, our House Commerce Committee advanced legislation this week that would ensure our restaurants can protect more of the profits they need to stay afloat, while also safeguarding workers’ wages. The bill caps fees at 15% for our restaurants who partner with third-party food services like, Uber Eats, Door Dash, and Grub Hub.
Gov. Walz Announces COVID-19 Recovery Budget
Governor Walz released his budget proposal for the next two years Tuesday. The proposed COVID-19 Recovery Budget focuses on supporting working families, ensuring students catch up on learning, and delivering small businesses vital assistance while driving Minnesota’s economic recovery.
I am still reviewing all the components within the governor’s budget blueprint, however, I am glad to see investments are included that would fund forgivable loans for our struggling small businesses and more critical broadband support for those businesses and our communities’ schools. Over these next few months, addressing the pressing needs of Minnesotans will guide our work in the House as we begin our work with the Senate to craft a balanced and fair budget.
Funding Highway 10 Improvements
Earlier this month, I led a bipartisan effort to formally request more federal funds for Highway 10 improvements. Democrats and Republicans both recognize why it’s critically important and cost-effective to get this major roadway fixed now, as opposed to opting for a continued band-aid approach. I am pleased to report that every single member of the House and Senate who represent the Highway 10 corridor joined my effort, whether they be Democrat or Republican. While I was glad to secure bonding dollars for Highway 10 during the last Legislature, there is much more work to be done. I’ll continue to advocate for strong investments from the state and federal government for our Coon Rapids and Champlin residents who use this major economic corridor every day.
Keep in Touch
Please contact me anytime with input, ideas, or questions at rep.zack.stephenson@house.mn or 651-296-5513. I’m grateful for the opportunity to provide any assistance when I can.
Thank you for the honor of serving our Champlin and Coon Rapids residents and families in the Minnesota House.
Zack Stephenson
State Representative
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