Driver’s Licenses for All Legislation
Last week, the Minnesota House DFL introduced driver's licenses for all legislation, extending the privilege to be legally behind the wheel regardless of immigration status. This bill is about keeping families together, keeping our residents engaged in Minnesota, contributing to the economy, aiding public safety, and enabling the ability to participate in everyday activities like taking your kids to soccer practice or simply picking up groceries. By denying the right to a driver's license we're denying families opportunities, endangering public safety, and criminalizing participation in civic life.
You can watch the press conference or read the bill here.
Missing Money/Unclaimed Property
As a result of successful legislation in recent years that is now law, the Minnesota Department of Commerce has developed a secure site that allows Minnesotans to check on their unclaimed property. Common types of unclaimed property can include:
- Dormant bank accounts
- Uncashed checks
- Unclaimed wages
- Insurance claim payments or benefits
- Stocks or bonds
- Safe deposit boxes
The Department is responsible for safeguarding the funds until claimed by the rightful owners. Check to see if you have missing money waiting for you here.
MNSure Special Enrollment Period
Minnesota's health insurance marketplace, MNSure, will be open for a special enrollment period, starting February 16 through May 17, 2021. Life events like moving, having a baby, getting married, or turning 26 allows the special enrollment period to occur. Minnesota residents and families deserve access to quality, affordable health care. It’s critical, now more than ever, for everyone to have insurance. Learn about how to enroll here.
COVID-19 Testing Remains Critical
Testing remains a critical part of our strategy combating COVID-19, and there are currently more than 20 testing sites located around the state, all of which offer no-barrier access to testing. Make an appointment here.