Chair: Rep. Tim Kelly
Location: 5 State Office Building
Tentative agenda.
Additional bills may be added
Note: HF2690 (Kelly) DWI Ignition interlock bill has been removed from agenda for this hearing but will be rescheduled for Wed. April 6th
In its place we have added:
HF1780 (Bernardy) Transportation commissioner required to develop a performance, stewardship, and sustainability plan for the trunk highway system; and performance reports, assessment of the department's organizational structure, and achievement of performance targets required.
Chair Kelly is lifting the 24 hour rule for the committee for the bills for that day but amendments must be to the committee Administrator or Committee Legislative Assistant Josh Anderson ( or 651-296-3889) by 10am on Monday April 4th. If you are interested in testifying for or against a bill also contact Committee Legislative Assistant Josh Anderson.
NOTE: HF1018 (kiel) has been added to agenda due to conflict in scheduling for Wednesday for a testifier