In a world where terroristic acts are seemingly plentiful, Rep. Keith Franke (R-St. Paul Park) sponsors a bill he hopes would detract someone from being part of such a deed.
HF1475, as amended, would establish a felony offense for someone who “raises, solicits, collects, or provides material support or resources” that would be used to plan, carry out or aid “an act of terrorism or the concealment of, or an escape from, an act of terrorism.” A guilty party could be fined up to $30,000 and imprisoned up to 15 years.
The bill, which has no Senate companion, was held over Thursday by the House Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance Committee for possible omnibus bill inclusion.
“The idea comes from let’s just put something on the books for the State of Minnesota. It’d put a tool in the toolbox,” Franke said. He said no objections have been raised by representatives for law enforcement and county attorneys.
WATCH House Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance Committee discussion of the bill
Rep. Debra Hilstrom (DFL-Brooklyn Center) supports the bill, but expressed concern about a definition of act of terrorism to include “influence the policy of a unit of government by intimidation or coercion.”
“I just want to make sure we’re getting at the very acts we’re interested in, and not the very acts that sometimes people say in the heat of anger,” she said.
In an effort to not effect freedom of speech, the bill defines coercion as “compulsion by physical force or threat of physical force.”
Franke said the intent is to not hold government hostage in any way. An example would be someone threatening to kidnap a decision-maker’s family if they don’t vote a certain way.
A fiscal note indicates there would be little, if any, cost because prosecution would most likely be done by the federal government.