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Audio/Video Archives - 2015-2016 Regular Session

Transportation Policy and Finance

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Page: Page Size: 5 Total Results: 49
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Transportation Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
1. Committee Introductions and procedures covered
2. House Research and House Fiscal Committee Staff two part overview Jan 12 and Jan 14
Presentation by Matt Burress – House Research and Andrew Lee – House Fiscal Staff
Part 1: Highway Finance ; Basic Structure & Overview; Revenue Sources; Highway Funds; Distribution; Bonding; Recap &; Analysis


The House will present a Transportation Plan Offer
We will meet at 1pm or the call of the Chair in Room 10 State Office Building
CONFEREES: SENATE: Dibble; Schmit; Jensen; Franzen; Kent - HOUSE: Kelly; Sanders; Howe; Petersburg; Erhardt

CONFEREES: SENATE: Dibble; Schmit; Jensen; Franzen; Kent
HOUSE: Kelly; Sanders; Howe; Petersburg; Erhardt

House has the gavel

Meet at 2pm or at call of the chair.
House conferees Kelly, Petersburg, Sanders, Howe, and Erhardt.
Senate conferees Dibble, Kent, Jensen, Franzen, and Schmit.

Potential topics.
1. Discussion with conference committee members on House and Senate bill differences in funding plans
2. Rail grade crossings solution proposal
3. Emergency managers hazmat data sharing proposal
additional items may be added

CONFEREES: SENATE: Dibble; Schmit; Jensen; Hawj; Kent - HOUSE: Kelly; Sanders; Howe; Petersburg; Erhardt
Room 200 State Office Bldg.

House holds the gavel.

We will meet at 3:00 p.m or call of the chair

Topics for discussion: look at and adopt some potential non-controversial house only and senate only policy provisions
Page: Page Size: 5 Total Results: 49
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