Hello, friends. I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on some of the recent news regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. COVID-19: The Impact on MinnesotaAs we continue to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, I have heard from constituents across my district in the last week. Businesses, workers, and families all have questions about COVID-19 and what it means for Minnesota. Many of these people have asked what they can do, and what they should do, during this difficult time. First, I believe it is essential that we remain calm and level-headed during this time. Doing so will help everyone. Wash your hands and practice social distancing. Also, do not go to your local grocery store and buy more than you need. We cannot continually disrupt the supply chain. Farmers, truck drivers, retail workers, and grocers are on the front lines of this pandemic. They are making sure that we are properly stocked, and they deserve our thanks and gratitude. You can do your part by buying only what you need. We all have a job to do. Additionally, be mindful of Minnesotans who are indoors. Staying inside is the safest place to be during this outbreak. However, we must remember to check up on our neighbors. Many people will be dealing with complex difficulties as they remain indoors for extended periods of time. We must look out for those who will fall victim to addition relapses, domestic abuse, depression, and other serious issues while they are indoors. We need to deal with this as a community. Don’t be shy about checking on your neighbors and seeing if you can help. Furthermore, I believe we need to take the recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and the Governor seriously. Remember, most individuals with COVID-19 will not require hospitalization. Many people will simply exhibit mild, flu-like symptoms. Nevertheless, we must be smart about this disease and take significant steps to lower the infection rate. Stay inside and don’t gather in groups. We must do this to keep everyone, especially those with compromised immune systems, safe. Tools for MinnesotansAs a Minnesota State Legislator, part of my job is to make sure that my constituents are properly prepared for unexpected situations. As such, last week the Minnesota Legislature passed, and the Governor signed, a $200 million dollar appropriation package to Minnesota hospitals. I voted in favor of this bill because it will provide our health care system with the resources needed to address this situation. We must also be mindful of the economic impact this crisis is having on our state. Thousands of people have been furloughed or laid off from work as restaurants, bars, and other business have been shut down or lost business. To address the needs of workers, Governor Walz has signed an executive order which extends unemployment benefits to those affected by this economic downturn. We need to make sure that Minnesotans can pay their bills during these unprecedented times. Below are some links to helpful resources for workers to receive unemployment benefits: Here is a link to the Minnesota government website with more information regarding unemployment benefits for workers: https://www.uimn.org/applicants/needtoknow/news-updates/covid-19.jsp Here is a link to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development website regarding information for workers affected by the COVID-19 outbreak: https://mn.gov/deed/newscenter/covid/workers/ Here is another link with helpful information regarding worker protections: https://www.dli.mn.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/MN_worker_protections_related_to_COVID_19.pdf Finally, I recognize that small businesses have been hit exceptionally hard by the COVID-19 outbreak. Many businesses have been forced to temporarily close or have shuttered permanently. I want small businesses to know that they can received assistance from the federal Small Businesses Administration (SBA). This agency will provide low-interest loans to small businesses who have struggled during this time. Information and guidelines for small businesses can be found here at the Small Business Administration’s website: https://www.sba.gov/page/coronavirus-covid-19-small-business-guidance-loan-resources Miller Time tonight @ 7:00 pmJoin Representative Tim Miller tonight, March 23 at 7:00pm on his YouTube Live show Miller Time. Rep. Miller will be addressing the latest updates surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak. Click the following link to view: Miller Time Contact:If you have any questions regarding COVID-19, please don’t hesitate to contact me or my office. My email address is rep.tim.miller@house.mn. Additionally, please reach out to my Legislative Assistant, Luke, with any questions. Luke’s email is Luke.Sprinkel@house.mn. Emailing is the fastest way to get in contact with me. Contact me anytime with questions or concerns. God bless you all. Rep. Tim Miller |