Chair: Rep. Dan Fabian Location: 5 State Office Building
Bills Added
Public comment period requirements for draft impaired waters list modified, process to challenge impaired waters list provided, and notice to publicly owned wastewater treatment facility applicants required.
Chair: Rep. Steve Drazkowski Location: 10 State Office Building Agenda:
Testimony will be focused on the property taxes and local government finance provisions.
Bills Added
Tax reductions for low and middle income families provided; corporate tax loopholes closed; local government unit aid provided; income, property, tobacco, sales and use, special taxes, and other tax provisions modified; and money appropriated.
Corporate franchise taxes, property taxes, local government aids, sales and use taxes, special taxes, paid preparers, and other taxes and tax provisions changed.
Chair: Rep. Debra Kiel Location: Basement Hearing Room Agenda:
If you would like to testify, please contact Holly Iverson, Committee Administrator, at
Bills Added
Swing bed eligibility license condition modified, specialized care facilities provisions modified, and criteria modified for determining when an area of the state is a hardship area with regard to access to nursing facility services.
Nursing facility rate adjustment effective dates consolidated to coincide with the annual operating payment rate adjustment on January 1 and one mid-year adjustment on July 1, and notice requirements modified.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Please note, the subcommittee will also be meeting on Monday evening, February 27, at 6:30 p.m. in Room 200 of the State Office Building.
Chair: Rep. Paul Anderson Location: 5 State Office Building
Bills Added
Mowing authority and management practices in road rights-of-way governed, and road authorities prohibited from establishing requirements and permits that govern mowing and haying.
Chair: Rep. Greg Davids Location: 200 State Office Building
Bills Added
Tax reductions for low and middle income families provided; corporate tax loopholes closed; local government unit aid provided; income, property, tobacco, sales and use, special taxes, and other tax provisions modified; and money appropriated.
Chair: Rep. Paul Torkelson Location: Basement Hearing Room Agenda:
Department of Public Safety Budget Overview
Minnesota Legislative Auditor presentation of report issues on Feb. 16th detailing Internal controls Over Statewide Financial Reporting and the Department of Public Safety will respond to the findings of this report.
Approved recovery programs funding increased to include two additional programs, grant expenditures for approved pupil transportation purposes authorized, and money appropriated.
Self-advocacy services and supports for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
Adult foster care licensing provisions modified, individualized home supports added to home and community-based services, home and community-based services setting and licensing requirements modified, planning and case management requirements modified, and child foster care background studies modified.
Workers' Compensation Advisory Council recommendations adopted, department proposals adopted, inpatient service payments modified, forbearance of amounts owed to the special compensation fund allowed, intervention procedures modified, and rulemaking authorized.
Health insurance underwriting, renewability, and benefit requirements modified; individual health plan reinsurance program created; and money appropriated.