Sen. Sandra L. Pappas
112 State Capitol
SF 2680 (Eken); HF 1352 (Marquart): PERA-P&F; Disability benefit application deadline extension for a certain former Wadena County sheriff's deputy.
SF 1630 (Hayden); HF 1800 (Kahn): Local police and fire relief association former members pension benefits adjustment.
SF 2532 (Hayden); HF 2554 (Kahn): PERA-P&F; Minneapolis police and fire consolidation law post-retirement adjustment clarification.
SF xxxx; HF 2597 (Murphy, M.): Police and fire state aid; Correction of drafting errors.
SF 1951 (Pappas); HF 2427 (Atkins): Clarifying the eligibility of independent nonprofit firefighting corporations to receive state aid.
SF 2429 (Pappas); HF 2218 (Murphy, M.): VFRAs; State Auditor's Volunteer Fire Working Group recommendations.
SF 2308 (Johnson); HF 2604 (Murphy, M., by request): MSRS-Correctional; Modifications of coverage for Department of Human Services employees.
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