Chair: Sen. Linda Berglin
Location: 123 State Capitol
Friday, May 7, 2010 - 8:15 PM
Conference Committee on H.F. 2614
Chairs: Sen. Linda Berglin and Rep. Thomas Huntley
CONFEREES: SENATE: Berglin; Dille; Prettner Solon; Lourey; Sheran; Lynch - HOUSE: Huntley; Thissen; Hosch; Murphy; Abeler; Clark
8:15 p.m.
Room 123 Capitol
Conference Committee will reconvene at 8:15 p.m.
The Revisor Side by Side's and Counsel Side by Side Summaries are now up on the web at:
HHS Omnibus Side By Side's and Summaries
H.F. 2614-Berglin: Omnibus health and human services bill.