Rep. Hemmingsen-Jaeger
Remote Hearing
- Call to order: Chair: Senator Weber
- Approval of minutes from July 15 meeting
- Introduction: Dr. Bob Tipping, Director, Minnesota Geological Survey (7 minutes)
- Review of August Field Tour with focus on needs for legislation and funding: Crystal Mathisrud and Jim Stark (10 minutes)
- Straight River Update: Summary of two recent reports in the impact of irrigation on the Straight River, Jason Moeckel (DNR); Kevin Stroom (MPCA) (10 minutes each)
- Requests for legislative consideration (5 minutes each)*
- Rob Sip: Director- Red River Water Management Board
- Scott Sparlin: Director- Minnesota River Congress
- Robyn Dwight Keep in Clean Initiative
- Jake Wildman: President-Minnesota Irrigators Association
- Jeff Forester: Minnesota Lakes and Rivers
- Others
- State Drinking Water Action Plan: Tannie Eshenaur(MDH)
- Announcements and Adjourn
* We will adjust presentation lengths based on requests to present. If you wish to testify, please contact Jim Stark by October 21 at 4:00 pm.