House Television Webcast and Mobile Streaming Schedule
Judicial Branch presentation.
Minnesota Board of Public Defense presentation.
Opening remarks and introductions.
Overview of taxes by House Research and Fiscal Analysis departments.
Highlighting Republican bills addressing fraud.
HF9 (Swedzinski) Hydroelectric capacity that qualifies as an eligible energy technology under the renewable energy standard modified, requirement for electric utilities to meet standards delayed, demolition of fossil-fuel-powered electric generating plants prohibited under certain circumstances, and other renewable energy policy provisions modified.
Member and staff introductions.
Overview of proposed committee rules and procedures.
Overview of committee budget and policy areas.
Member and staff introductions.
Review of committee rules and procedures.
November Budget Forecast & anticipated education revenue.
Committee rules.
University of Minnesota Research presentation and overview.
- Research & Innovation Office.
- University of Minnesota Mayo Clinic partnership.
Office of Higher Education agency overview.
Review of committee rules.
Walkthrough of the committee by nonpartisan staff.
Member and staff introductions.
Overview of committee policy jurisdiction and finances.
Overview of committee rules.
Member and staff introductions.
Remarks by the Chair.
Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association presentation.
Minnesota Sheriff’s Association presentation.
Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association presentation.
Overview of agencies in committee’s jurisdiction.
Member and staff introductions.
Review of committee rules and procedures.
Committee jurisdiction overview.