Time |
Location |
Committee |
(8:15 AM)
[Basement Hearing Room]
Civil Law and Data Practices Policy |
(8:15 AM)
[10 State Office Building]
Education Innovation Policy |
(8:15 AM)
[5 State Office Building]
Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance |
(8:15 AM)
[200 State Office Building]
Health and Human Services Reform |
(10:15 AM)
[5 State Office Building]
Agriculture Finance |
(10:15 AM)
[Basement Hearing Room]
Government Operations and Elections Policy |
(10:15 AM)
[10 State Office Building]
Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance |
(10:15 AM)
[200 State Office Building]
Taxes |
(1:00 PM)
[5 State Office Building]
Education Finance |
(1:00 PM)
[200 State Office Building]
Health and Human Services Finance |
(1:00 PM)
[10 State Office Building]
State Government Finance |
(1:00 PM)
[Basement Hearing Room]
Transportation Finance |
(3:00 PM)
[Basement Hearing Room]
Commerce and Regulatory Reform |
(3:00 PM)
[5 State Office Building]
Higher Education and Career Readiness Policy and Finance |
(3:00 PM)
[10 State Office Building]
Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance |
(5:00 PM)
[5 State Office Building]
Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources [Commission] |
(5:30 PM)
[15 State Capitol]
Location Changed
Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement [Commission] Agenda Changed |
1. Approve the minutes for December 6, 2016
2. Members report potential conflicts of interest regarding today’s business
MS 116P.09 Subd 6 Conflict of interest. A commission member, technical advisory committee member, a peer review panelist, or an employee of the commission may not participate in or vote on a decision of the commission, technical advisory committee, or peer review panel relating to an organization in which the member, panelist, or employee has either a direct or indirect personal financial interest. While serving on the commission, technical advisory committee, or peer review panel, or being an employee of the commission, a person shall avoid any potential conflict of interest.
3. Introduction of LCCMR members
4. LCCMR Business Items
- Review Biennial Report to the Legislature - January 15, 2017
- Review LCCMR Executive Committee Election process (see Agenda Item # 5)
- Review LCCMR 2017 calendar adopted on December 6, 2016
5. Election of Executive Committee (Procedures attached)
- 3 Co-Chairs (House/Senate/Non-legislative) - 3 Co- Vice Chairs (House/Senate/Non-legislative) 6. Update on LCCMR Appropriations Bill for the 2017 MN Legislative Session Funding Recommendations from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF) – S.F. 550 / H.F. xxx
- Additional extensions requested for past appropriations
7. Update on FY19 LCCMR 2018 ENRTF Request for Proposal (RFP) issued December 2016 with proposals due on May 15, 2017 8. Other business
- Next scheduled LCCMR meeting date – June 7, 2017
S.F. 545 (Rosen); H.F. 565 (O'Driscoll): Revised and updated 2016 Omnibus Retirement Bill.
To testify, please contact Lisa Diesslin at 651-296-6806 or lisa.diesslin@lcpr.leg.mn before the meeting, indicating the agenda item of interest
Removed from the agenda: Alternatives to the proposals to reset the amortization period - Michael de Leon, Lead Actuary, Deloitte Consulting
Meeting materials, when available, will be posted on the Commission website, follow the agenda information link below