School district location equity index created, general education revenue formula modified, and revenue increased for some school districts.
Chair: Rep. Sheldon Johnson Location: 300S State Office Building
Bills Added
Family child care providers and home and community-based long-term care services collective bargaining authorized, funding provided, and money appropriated.
Chair: Rep. Carlos Mariani Location: Basement State Office Building
Bills Added
Early childhood through grade 12 and adult education policies modified including student accountability, educators, school programs and operations, charter schools, special education, and early childhood education; rulemaking authorized; reports required; and money appropriated.
Chair: Rep. Tina Liebling Location: 200 State Office Building Agenda:
To testify please contact Committee Administrator Matthew Bergeron at matthew.bergeron@house.mn.
HF1139 will be working off of a revised DE amendment that includes technical modifications. The revised DE amendment will be posted as soon as it is available.
Bills Added
Original birth records and other adoption-related information provisions modified.
Chair: Rep. Michael Paymar Location: 10 State Office Building Agenda:
HF 828 (to be re-referred from Civil Law)
HF 804 (to be re-referred from Civil Law)
Bills Added
Voter registration provisions modified, and election administration procedures modified for individuals who have been convicted of a felony.
Election law provisions including redistricting, absentee voting, registration, ballots, election day activities, municipal elections, school district elections, voting, campaigns, and hospital district elections modified.
Election law provisions including voter registration, absentee ballots, election day activities, state general election ballots, municipal elections, school district elections, voting, campaigns, hospital district elections, and redistricting various changes made.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Time Note:Committee will start immediately following session. If the agenda has to be continued into Friday, the Committee will meet in room 500 North at 9am.
Chair: Rep. Joe Mullery Location: 400 North State Office Building
Bills Added
Early learning scholarship program established, access to quality early learning and care expanded, funding provided, and money appropriated.
Licensing data, human services licensing, child care programs, financial fraud and abuse investigations, vendors of chemical dependency treatment services, and fair hearing provisions modified.
Autism service option notification required for medical assistance and MinnesotaCare recipients, medical assistance required to cover specified services for the treatment of autism, commissioner of health required to research and report on autism, and commissioners of health and human services required to train autism service providers.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Time Note:The Jobs Committee meeting is scheduled to begin 15 minutes after the house recesses. The House is scheduled to reconvene later in the evening, at which point the committee will adjourn.
Chair: Rep. Tim Mahoney Location: 300 North State Office Building
Bills Added
Minnesota High Tech Associaton's SciTechsperience program grant funding and science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) internships provided; and money appropriated.
Employment and Economic Development Department labor market information publication required, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities required to use and disseminate labor market information, and workforce centers utilized in assisting individuals seeking credentials for high-demand jobs.
Chair: Rep. Debra Hilstrom Location: 10 State Office Building Agenda:
***Note:*** The chair has waved the 24-hour rule for this meeting. However, members must notify the committee administrator if they intend to file an amendment.
HF946 was removed from the agenda at the author's request.
Bills Added
Uniform Interstate Family Support Act updated.
Chair: Rep. Ron Erhardt Location: 500S State Office Building Agenda:
The committee's 24-hour amendment deadline will be waived for HF1416 (Erhardt). All amendments must be physically or electronically delivered to Committee Administrator Matt Scherer (470 State Office Building or matt.scherer@house.mn) by 4 p.m. March 14.
Bills Added
Driver feedback and safety-monitoring equipment use regulated.
Motor vehicles regulated, scrap metal processing regulation amended, proof of ownership or hold period required for vehicles purchased for scrap, and automated property system and criminal penalties created.