Disabled veterans homestead credit maximum exclusion amount extended to veterans with a 100 percent temporary disability rating, and maximum excluded amount increased to $400,000.
Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority data classification provided, board appointments modified, duties modified, and use of stadium suites restricted.
State-purchased land annual payment funds using dedicated revenues established, payment in lieu of taxes requirements modified, and money appropriated.
Monday, February 27, 2017
, 1:00 PM Time Note:If necessary, the committee will recess and reconvene in the Basement Hearing Room at 4:45 p.m. or at the call of the Chair to finish up hearing bills on the agenda.
Special tax district creation to capture incremental property taxes to finance operating costs of light rail and bus rapid transit lines provided.
Human services commissioner duty to inform county agencies and license holders of changes in statute, rule, federal law, regulation, and policy modified.
County licensing agencies required to offer and conduct exit interviews for family child care providers, and fix-it ticket alternative to a correction order authorized.
Women-run cooperative child care businesses in low-income urban areas pilot program funding provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
Child care licensing definition modified; child care correction order posting requirements modified; correction order quotas for child care licensing prohibited; child care license holders required to be informed of changes in statute, rule, federal law, regulation, and policy; and report to the legislature on the status of child care required.