Rep. Liz Olson
Room 200
A01 Amendment to the Budget Resolution (Coded BUDRES04-1).
HF4124 (Lillie) Outdoor heritage, clean water, parks and trails, and arts and cultural heritage funds money appropriated; and prior appropriations modified and extended. (Procedural motions only. Previously heard on April 24)
HF5217 (Nelson, M) Labor Supplemental Budget Bill.
HF4194 (Howard) Housing Supplemental Budget Bill. (Procedural motions only. Previously heard on April 24)
HF5242 (Hornstein) Transportation Supplemental Budget Bill.
HF2476 (Pinto) Children & Families Supplemental Budget Bill.
HF5237 (Youakim) Education Finance Supplemental Budget Bill.
HF3911 (Hansen, R) Environment and Natural Resources Supplemental Budget Bill.
HF5181 (Newton) Veterans Supplemental Budget Bill. (Procedural motions only. Previously heard on April 24)
HF3431 (Klevorn) State and Local Government Supplemental Budget Bill.
HF5040 (Her) Pensions Supplemental Budget Bill.
HF5295 (Stephenson) Commerce Supplemental Budget Bill.
HF3763 (Vang) Agriculture Supplemental Budget Bill.
HF4177 (Acomb) Climate & Energy Supplemental Budget Bill.
*HF4975 (Acomb) Renewable development account report repealed.
HF5247 (Gomez) Taxes Supplemental Budget Bill.
Bills on the agenda that are not considered by the committee on this date will be added to the agenda for Friday, April 26. The order of bills listed above reflects the intended order of committee action, which is subject to change.
Note: HF4194, HF5217 and HF5242 will be merged into one Housing, Labor and Transportation budget bill package, using HF5242 as the primary vehicle.
Note: HF4177, HF3763 and HF5295 will be merged into one Climate & Energy, Agriculture and Commerce budget bill package using HF4975 as the primary vehicle.
Note: HF3431 and HF5181 will be merged into one State and Local Govt and Veterans Supplemental budget bill package, using HF3431 as the primary vehicle.
Note: Article 6 of HF2476 will be deleted and inserted into HF5237 via amendment.
*HF4975 is a vehicle bill to move the Climate & Energy, Agriculture and Commerce Supplemental Budget Bill. A DE amendment will replace the underlying bill language.
Written Testimony: Must be submitted to and by 12pm on Wednesday, April 24.
Amendments: There is no amendment deadline for any bill on the agenda. Amendments must be submitted to and
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