Chair: Rep. Tim Kelly
Location: Basement State Office Building
Pending referral from floor: HF3325 (Hamilton) Autonomous vehicles task force and demonstration project to serve mobility needs of people with disabilities established, support for task force provided, terms defined, and money appropriated.
Pending referral from Veterans Division: HF2624 (Newton) Military personnel on active duty outside Minnesota retaking of failed road test before termination of practice period allowed.
Pending referral from Mining and Outdoor Recreation: HF3339 (Ecklund) Lifetime game and fish license information placement on a driver's license or Minnesota identification card authorized. ADDED TO AGENDA
The following two bills have been added from Monday April 4th agenda:
HF3723 (Drazkowski) temporary use of right-of-way permit requirements modified -this bill was heard and laid over for further discussion today
HF1780 (Bernardy) Transportation commissioner required to develop a performance, stewardship, and sustainability plan for the trunk highway system