1. Roll call attendance
2. Approve the minutes for December 15, 2021
3. Members report potential conflicts of interest regarding today’s business - 2022 (FY23) Members COI
4. Introduction for new LCCMR Members
5. Director’s report
6. Action: 2022 Calendar
7. Action: 2023 Request for Proposal (RFP)
8. Action: Election of new citizen chair(s)
9. LCCMR Other business
10. Public Testimony
The public is asked to keep their comments brief. If you would like to testify, please contact Diana Griffith at diana.griffith@lccmr.mn.gov by 4:00 pm the day before the meeting. Please specify to which agenda item your testimony relates and the form of your testimony (oral or written). The chair will accommodate testimony at the requested agenda item as time allows.
11. Adjourn
This remote meeting may be viewed live on the LCCMR YouTube channel.
Meeting of Subcommittee on Disqualification
1. Call to order
2. Adoption of previous meeting minutes
3. Discussion of future meeting plans and other disqualification topics
4. Adjourn
This remote meeting may be viewed live on the LCC-3 YouTube channel.
PUBLIC VIEWING INFORMATION: This meeting may be viewed live on the LCPR YouTube Channel.
TESTIFYING: To testify or submit written testimony on any agenda item, please contact the Commission staff at lisa.diesslin@lcpr.mn.gov by 5:00 PM on Monday, March 21.
ACCESSIBILITY/ACCOMMODATION: To comment on digital accessibility to meeting information, please submit comments using the Accessibility Comment Form. To request an accommodation, please visit FAQs for Disability Access or contact the Legislative Coordinating Commission at lcc@lcc.mn.gov.
MEETING DOCUMENTS will also posted on the Commission website at on the March 22 meeting page.
This meeting will be held in accordance with Legislative Coordinating Commission guidelines.