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Audio/Video Archives - 2013-2014 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Transportation Finance

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Bills May Be Added to the Agenda.
Bills Added:
HF2231 (Erhardt) - Metropolitan area transit and paratransit capital expenditure additional financing provided, and obligations issued.
HF1480 (Dorholt) - Overweight vehicle annual permits established.
HF1796 (Erhardt) - Highway safety work zone prohibitions, requirements, and penalties amended; legislative report mandated; and money appropriated.

Capital Investment

Overview of bonding for Library Accessibility Grant Program, Department of Education
Overview of bonding for Early Childhood Facilities, Department of Human Services
Informational hearing: HF2638 (Melin) Early childhood learning and child protection facility construction and rehabilitation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Presentation of Perham Area Public Library

Civil Law

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Note that the correct amendment to HF2090 is now posted. This amendment came in after the 24-hour deadline and the rule must be waived before the amendment is considered.
Bills Added:
HF2668 (Hilstrom) - Courts and elections; errors and omissions petitioners shall also serve the petition on all candidates for the office in which the error or omission is alleged, raised court seal and notarial act requirements eliminated, and application of fine payment to restitution before application to court fines permitted.
HF2090 (Hortman) - Indemnification agreements in design professional services contracts prohibited.
HF2188 (Hortman) - Spousal real estate ownership and mortgage redemption period clarifying and conforming changes made, and transfer on death deeds modified.
HF2190 (Rosenthal) - Business organization prefiling document review provided, and limited liability companies and business corporations regulated.
HF2545 (Liebling) - Health definitions modified and added; Pharmacy Board powers, duties, and business regulation licensing, and immunization participation requirements changed; compounding requirements clarified; legend drug purchase allowed by educational institutions; drug handling in preparation for emergency use allowed; drug manufacturers payment reporting clarified; and substances added to the controlled substances schedules.

Education Finance

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Bills Added:
HF1917 (Newton) - Safe Schools levy authority increased.
HF2299 (Ward) - Independent school districts and intermediate school districts building lease levy increased.
HF2648 (Kiel) - Environmental Protection Agency rule compliance included for school generators as an eligible use of health and safety revenue.
HF2696 (Brynaert) - Telecommunication access equity funding provided, and money appropriated.

Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Finance

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Outcomes from the Board of Water and Soil Resources

Education Policy

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The Committee will not reconvene this evening. HF111 Ward, J.E. will be added to Thursday's evening agenda or Friday's Agenda.

Government Operations

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Bills Added:
HF2317 (Ward) - Brainerd permitted to purchase Brainerd Dam.
HF2450 (Mahoney) - St. Paul; authority to spend tax increments expanded.
HF2311 (Hansen) - County commissioner prohibited from serving as drainage inspector.
HF2663 (Nelson) - Metropolitan Council obsolete governing provisions repealed, and conforming technical changes made.

Health and Human Services Finance

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**Agenda subject to change; please visit committee website for updates**
To testify, please contact the committee administrator at
Bills Added:
HF2379 (Liebling) - Recovery school programs grant money appropriated.
HF2741 (Fischer) - Mental health services funding modified.
HF2655 (Huntley) - Human services commissioner grant program appropriations modified.

Public Safety Finance and Policy

Bills Added:
HF2288 (Atkins) - Law enforcement required to secure a court order in order to receive cell phone tracking data.
HF2553 (Lesch) - Government required to secure a search warrant for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, and law enforcement required to secure a search warrant in order to receive electronic device location information.
HF2940 (Lesch) - Electronic device surveillance equipment possession and use restricted.
HF2552 (Lesch) - Unmanned aerial vehicle use by law enforcement regulated.
HF1994 (Johnson) - Law enforcement agencies prohibited from using unmanned aerial cameras to gather evidence on individuals without a warrant or imminent threat.
HF1620 (Kahn) - Law enforcement agency prohibited from using drones to gather evidence or other information, drone use by persons prohibited, and federal agency drone use within the boundaries of Minnesota prohibited.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Thursday, March 13, 2014

Energy Policy

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**Action will be taken on HF2375 and HF1174. Amendments are due to Committee Administrator Peter Strohmeier by 12:30 p.m., March 10. If you want to sign up to testify, please contact Peter Strohmeier at
Bills Added:
HF2375 (Hortman) - Public utilities; on-bill loan repayment programs provided, and long-range emission reduction planning required.
HF1174 (Falk) - Public Utilities Commission required to initiate a proceeding culminating in an order establishing standards for utility rates regarding the interconnection of small electric generating facilities.

Jobs and Economic Development Finance and Policy

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Agenda is subject to change.
Bills Added:
HF2059 (McNamar) - Greater Minnesota business development public infrastructure grant program modification funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2762 (Uglem) - Board of Cosmetologist Examiners changes made, and expedited rulemaking required.
HF2778 (Persell) - Minnesota New Markets Jobs Act adopted, capital provided for business growth in economically distressed communities, and penalties imposed.
HF2586 (Ward) - Minnesota investment fund administrative expenses modified.


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Bills may be added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF2195 (Freiberg) - Local government exempt purchases modified.
HF2422 (Freiberg) - Local government unit sales tax exemption modified.
HF2703 (Pugh) - Sales and use tax exempted for local government purchases made under a joint powers agreement.
HF2457 (Poppe) - Local government sales and use tax exemption expanded.
HF2423 (Lesch) - Construction contract exemption applicability modified, and exemption for sales to government clarified.
HF1892 (McNamar) - Motor vehicle purchase sales tax exemption provided to cities and counties.
HF2119 (Anderson) - Capital equipment exemption effective date changed.
HF2532 (Zerwas) - Sales tax exemption for units of local government modified, and money appropriated.
HF2709 (Swedzinski) - Sales and use taxation exemption provided for donated materials for a library expansion.
HF2247 (Clark) - Public housing authorities exempted from some sales taxes, and public housing authority payments in lieu of taxes made optional rather than mandatory.
HF2436 (Davids) - Nonprofit snowmobile club machinery and equipment purchases exempted from sales and use taxes.
HF2322 (Nornes) - Agricultural drain tiles exempted from sales tax.
HF2452 (Quam) - Biomass fuel sold to residential customers for residential use exemption provided.
HF2789 (Lenczewski) - City aid payment modifications provided for in lieu of taxes distribution, and aid losses calculation modified.
HF2277 (Lenczewski) - Tax policy changes made to property taxes and other miscellaneous taxes and tax provisions.
HF2607 (Swedzinski) - Motor vehicle sales tax exemption expanded for motor vehicle purchases by local units of government and special districts.

Health and Human Services Policy

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Additional bills may be added to the agenda.
To testify please contact Committee Administrator Matthew Bergeron at
Bills Added:
HF1898 (Liebling) - Health-related licensing board requirements changed, credentials for an individual with a felony-level criminal sexual conduct offense barred, and temporary suspension provided for imminent risk of harm.
HF2410 (Allen) - Culturally specific substance use disorder programs made eligible for higher chemical dependency treatment payment rates.
HF2248 (Allen) - Safe harbor director duties expanded, and money appropriated for service grants and safe housing.
HF2361 (Moran) - Health disparities in minority populations addressed, health priorities of minority populations identified, health disparities task force created, and money appropriated.
HF2169 (Loeffler) - Adult foster home training requirements clarified for homes serving individuals with mental illness.
HF2320 (Laine) - Civil Commitment Act training program established for clarification and interpretation as it pertains to persons with mental illness, and money appropriated.
HF2472 (Dorholt) - Mental health crisis intervention and stabilization services modified.
HF2446 (Simonson) - Pharmacy Board cease and desist authority granted to prevent the sale of synthetic drugs, misbranded or adulterated drug laws modified, definition expanded, emergency drug scheduling authority sunset and legislative reporting requirement repealed, mandatory restitution provided, public education plan established, and money appropriated.
HF1867 (Loeffler) - Executive branch advisory group governing provisions modified.


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HF1926 (Hansen) Outdoor heritage funding provided, and money appropriated.

Transportation Policy

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Bills May Be Added to the Agenda.
Bills Added:
HF2255 (Dorholt) - Ignition interlock device program relating to criminal vehicular operation scope clarified.
HF2481 (Selcer) - Pupil transportation; seat belt cutters required in type III vehicles, school bus drivers required to conduct post-trip inspections, bus endorsement reporting and cancellation requirements modified, and penalties provided.
HF2214 (Sawatzky) - Transportation Department technical changes made, contract and project requirements clarified, Michael Duane Clickner Memorial Bridge designated, bridge inspection authority provided, U-turn rules modified, covered farm vehicle requirements modified, expiration date extended, hours of service exemption provided, financing required for parking facility, and reporting requirements changed.
HF2728 (Simonson) - Motorized bicycle operator permits modified, commercial learner's permit fee established, improved driving skill examination scheduling provided, federal commercial motor vehicle laws conformed, and money appropriated.
HF1865 (Dorholt) - Transportation Department advisory groups governing provisions modified.

Judiciary Finance and Policy

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Bills Added:
HF2213 (Hortman) - Small servicer definition amended relating to mortgages, and Foreclosure Curative Act clarified.
HF2455 (Hilstrom) - Court reporter provisions modified.
HF2687 (Hilstrom) - District judge disposition monthly review authorized for compliance with 90-day disposition requirement.
HF2307 (Schoen) - Drug overdose prevention and medical assistance provided, and liability limited.

Commerce and Consumer Protection Finance and Policy

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Bills Added:
HF917 (Schoen) - Snowmobile definition changed, and snowmobile odometer tampering prohibited.
HF2413 (Schoen) - Sales representative agreement practices prohibited.
HF1866 (Morgan) - Commerce Department advisory groups governing provisions modified.
HF2419 (Fritz) - State-administered retirement savings plan report to the legislature required by the commissioner of management and budget, and money appropriated.
HF2695 (Lillie) - Commerce Department licensee education requirements modified.
HF2694 (Lillie) - Real estate broker and salesperson regulation modified.

Environment and Natural Resources Policy

Bills Added:
HF2651 (Melin) - Deer taken legally allowed to be used in a contest in conjunction with a raffle.
HF1408 (Hansen) - Soil and water conservation district supervisors required to be elected by supervisor districts in the metropolitan area.
HF2571 (Hansen) - Drainage system provisions modified.

Property and Local Tax Division

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Bills may be added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF2303 (Simonson) - Duluth; local food and beverage and lodging taxes modified.
HF2697 (McNamar) - Supplemental county program aid payments provided for 2014 only, and money appropriated.
HF2321 (Savick) - Albert Lea; local sales and use tax expiration extended, and local approval provided.
HF2669 (Ward) - Baxter and Brainerd; local sales and use taxes extended.
HF2488 (Loeffler) - Proposed levies certification deadline extended for some local jurisdictions.
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