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Audio/Video Archives - 2013-2014 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Jobs and Economic Development Finance and Policy

Please check back for further updates to the schedule.
Bills Added:
HF959 (Newton) - Deaf, hard-of-hearing, and deafblind transition and employment service funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1294 (Clark) - Youthbuild funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF602 (Atkins) - Additional unemployment benefit eligibility modified in cases of lockout, and penalties provided for organizations involved in lockouts.
HF678 (Hilstrom) - Event ticket practices regulated, and minimum standards for consumer protection established.
Bills Added:
HF1511 (Clark) - Medical education and research cost funding directed.
HF1311 (Isaacson) - Boys and Girls Club grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1391 (Isaacson) - Collaborative job-based education and apprenticeship program created, report required, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1482 (Hansen) - Conservation Corps Minnesota funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1193 (Clark) - Trade and cultural exchange relationship established between Minnesota and Somalia, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1359 (Mahoney) - Workers' compensation; various policy and housekeeping changes made, advisory council recommendations adopted, and report required.
HF1583 (Slocum) - Fort Snelling Upper Post redevelopment funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1256 (Anderson) - Garfield; water treatment plant funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF758 (Albright) - Adult basic education program representative added to the Workforce Development Council.
HF1349 (Persell) - Opportunities industrialization centers funding provided, and money appropriated.

Civil Law

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Bills Added:
HF276 (Dehn) - Constitutional amendments; a resolution requesting Congress to propose a constitutional amendment and if not, applying to Congress to call a constitutional convention to propose an amendment clarifying that the rights protected under the Constitution are the rights of natural persons and not artificial entities, and that spending money to influence elections is not speech under the First Amendment.

Transportation Finance

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Bills Added:
HF348 (Clark) - Driver's license application procedures and requirements modified.
HF123 (Quam) - Transportation Department periodic review required for property owned by the state for the purpose of determining a surplus.
HF1263 (Sawatzky) - Trunk Highway 23 four-lane divided highway construction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1416 (Erhardt) - Omnibus transportation policy bill.
HF1223 (Ward) - Washington County Regional Rail Authority exercise of existing powers for bus rapid transit purposes authorized.

Education Finance

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HF1058 (Winkler) Early learning scholarship program established, access to quality early learning and care expanded, and money appropriated - removed from the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF448 (Bernardy) - School lunch aid increased.
HF818 (Moran) - Minnesota Principals' Academy funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF973 (Davnie) - Collaborative urban educator recruitment and training program grants authorized, funding provided, and money appropriated.

Labor, Workplace and Regulated Industries

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Bills Added:
HF1320 (Anzelc) - Mine inspector provisions and technical, clarifying, and other policy changes made.
HF1359 (Mahoney) - Workers' compensation; various policy and housekeeping changes made, advisory council recommendations adopted, and report required.

Government Operations

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Other bills may be added to the agenda
Bills Added:
HF338 (Bly) - Eminent domain provisions modified with respect to electric power utilities.
HF758 (Albright) - Adult basic education program representative added to the Workforce Development Council.

Public Safety Finance and Policy

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Bills Added:
HF1096 (Rosenthal) - Nonviolent controlled substance offender expired program reenactment authorized.
HF404 (Mack) - Return on taxpayer investment (ROTI) methodology and practice for human services and corrections programs study and development money appropriated.
HF525 (Erhardt) - Active duty service members allowed to take a peace officer reciprocity examination.
HF1095 (Metsa) - Motor vehicles; registration rules and periods clarified; trip permit rules, veteran special plate design, and record retention requirements modified; federal requirements conformed; background checks authorized for department employees; and language pertaining to senior identification cards clarified.

State Government Finance and Veterans Affairs

Additional bills may be added.
HF1184 is informational.
HF573 and 894 are pending referral on House floor.
Phase 3, Budget Building: Begin development of committee bill.
Bills Added:
HF1184 (Murphy) - Omnibus state government finance and veteran affairs bill.
HF699 (Simonson) - Public safety personnel on authorized leave reimbursement grants provided to local units of government.
HF573 (Ward) - Public employees insurance program regulated, and school employer participation required.
HF1291 (Kahn) - Appropriations provided to continue in effect in the absence of a major appropriation bill with certain exceptions and adjustments.
HF1436 (Dettmer) - USS Minnesota commissioning grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF894 (Simon) - Omnibus elections policy bill.

Housing Finance and Policy

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Bills Added:
HF1476 (Clark) - East African women in Minnesota grant funding provided to promote safety and welfare, and money appropriated.
HF1539 (Clark) - Open Access Connection grant funding provided for free voice mail services, and money appropriated.
HF1595 (Simonson) - Minnesota Housing Finance Agency directed to assist in the repair of flood-damaged properties, and report required.

Civil Law

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***Note:*** HF 1002, HF1377 and HF276 are pending re-referral and will be taken up when the committee reconvenes at 6 p.m. Amendments for these bills will be accepted until 2 p.m. March 20.
If you wish to testify, please contact the committee administrator at
Bills Added:
HF1112 (Winkler) - Secretary of state duties and responsibilities modified, and standard of conduct provided for directors of cooperatives.
HF1058 (Winkler) - Early learning scholarship program established, access to quality early learning and care expanded, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF283 (Winkler) - Collaborative law process evidence availability limited.
HF739 (Moran) - Children and family service provisions modified; data practice provisions changed; and contractual agreement provisions changed with tribes, child care programs, community action agencies, the Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP), general assistance, group residential housing, and maltreatment reporting.
HF183 (Holberg) - Data practices; penalties and procedures related to unauthorized access to data by a public employee enhanced, and data submission by law enforcement agencies to Comprehensive Incident Based Reporting System (CIBRS) provided to be public.
HF474 (Holberg) - Automated license plate reader data classified, log of use required, and data required to be destroyed.
HF647 (Atkins) - Division of insurance fraud renamed; subpoenas, coverages, and real estate appraiser licenses regulated; continuing education and risk-based capital requirements, workers' compensation self-insurance plan funding, services requests, and petroleum product specifications modified; actuarial opinions required and regulated; exclusions prohibited; no-fault benefits and coverages, arbitration, and health claims appeals modified; and unnecessary laws repealed.
HF131 (Slocum) - Estate sale conductors required to post a bond to protect owners of property to be sold.
HF1002 (Schoen) - Criminal background check process established for individuals licensed by the health-related licensing boards and commissioner of health, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1377 (Hortman) - Mortgage lender and servicer loss mitigation required, and mortgage foreclosure dual tracking prohibited.
HF276 (Dehn) - Constitutional amendments; a resolution requesting Congress to propose a constitutional amendment and if not, applying to Congress to call a constitutional convention to propose an amendment clarifying that the rights protected under the Constitution are the rights of natural persons and not artificial entities, and that spending money to influence elections is not speech under the First Amendment.
HF580 (Simon) - Victims of violence data protection regulated.

Health and Human Services Finance


To sign up to testify, please contact Committee Administrator Lucy Morgan at
Bills Added:
HF485 (Allen) - Child sex trafficking prevention director established, sexually exploited youth provisions modified, grant programs established and amended relating to combating sexual exploitation of youth, related services and housing provided to victims, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF869 (Loeffler) - Medical assistance eligibility provided for inmates while they are inpatients in a medical institution.
HF1445 (Clark) - Health housing grant program established, funding provided for health housing grants and lead poisoning prevention activities, and money appropriated.
HF927 (Dehn) - High-risk adults grant funding provided to complete a demonstration project, and money appropriated.
HF779 (Atkins) - Health plan policy and contract coverages regulated, state law conformed to federal requirements, health plan market rules established, and essential community providers designation modified.

Transportation Finance

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Bills Added:
HF709 (Sawatzky) - Local option transportation taxes amended, county wheelage tax authority broadened, and greater Minnesota transportation sales tax authority amended.
HF480 (Dehn) - Bottineau Transit Way Corridor funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF751 (Mariani) - St. Paul; Central Station on the Central Corridor light rail transit line skyway access requirements established.
HF123 (Quam) - Transportation Department periodic review required for property owned by the state for the purpose of determining a surplus.
HF316 (Mahoney) - Motor vehicle titling fee transactions amended, funding provided, and money appropriated.
Bills Added:
HF1044 (Hortman) - Motor vehicle lease sales tax revenue reallocated; metropolitan area sales tax imposed for transit, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements; sales and use tax revenue provided; funding provided; bonds issued; and money appropriated.
HF1449 (Erhardt) - Transportation; various finance and tax provisions amended, funding provided, trunk highway bonds issued, technical changes made, and money appropriated.
HF1162 (Hornstein) - MnPASS authority and revenue allocation modified.
HF1516 (Masin) - EWorkPlace telework program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1219 (Hornstein) - Metropolitan Airports Commission meetings with broad public interest required to be held outside of the airport security area.
HF745 (Erhardt) - Municipalities authorized to establish street improvement districts and apportion street improvement fees within districts, adoption of street improvement plan required, and collection of fees authorized.
HF1444 (Hornstein) - Omnibus transportation finance bill.

Health and Human Services Policy

For HF 214 the committee will be working off of the DE3 Amendment.

To testify please contact Committee Administrator Matthew Bergeron at
Bills Added:
HF214 (Huntley) - MinnesotaCare established as the state's basic health program.
HF878 (Sawatzky) - Critical access dental provider designation criteria modified.
HF841 (Ward) - Medical assistance assesment requirements modified.
HF1210 (Allen) - Social work licensure eligibility provision modified to include employment by a tribal agency.
HF1419 (Allen) - Dental provider critical access requirements modified.
HF770 (Hamilton) - Intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities (ICF/DD) bed transferred, and rate adjustment allowed.

Judiciary Finance and Policy

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The chair has waved the 24-hour rule for this meeting. However, members must notify the committee administrator if they intend to file an amendment.
***NOTE:*** HF1051 and HF865 are pending re-referral from Civil Law and HF142 is pending re-referral from Public Safety. More bills may be added pending re-referrals.
If you wish to testify, please contact the committee administrator at
Bills Added:
HF681 (Simon) - Limitation period for civil actions involving sexual abuse changed.
HF947 (Liebling) - Sexually dangerous persons and persons with sexual psychopathic personalities commitment law distinguished and clarified from other civil commitments.
HF392 (Melin) - Juvenile court proceeding records governing provisions modified.
HF1051 (Rosenthal) - Crime victim rights and programs statutory provisions clarified, and a restitution working group provided.
HF865 (Sundin) - Product stewardship programs provided.
HF142 (Kieffer) - Criminal sexual conduct offender penalties enhanced.


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Lake Superior Zoo
More to be added

Commerce and Consumer Protection Finance and Policy

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Bills Added:
HF694 (Lesch) - Debt management and settlement; attorneys at law exemption clarified, and debt settlement services regulation modified.
HF642 (Lesch) - Consumer fraud regulated.
HF1030 (Paymar) - Automobile theft prevention account money transfer to the general fund ended, and fund use restored to its original purpose.
HF1000 (Kelly) - Emissions reduction-rate rider modified for projects, and commissioner of commerce required to make assessments to fund clean energy resource teams.
HF902 (Slocum) - Cosmetology continuing education requirements established.
HF1221 (Dehn) - Commerce and insurance-related technical and housekeeping changes made; Commerce Fraud Bureau, agricultural cooperative health plan for farmers, real property appraisals, and Public Utilities Commission requests regulated; membership camping license requirement eliminated; and Minnesota Statutes periodical update method provided to reflect the current dollar amounts as adjusted.
HF956 (Hortman) - Omnibus energy bill.

Environment and Natural Resources Policy

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Bills Added:
HF683 (Fischer) - Legislative Water Commission created, appointments and funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF757 (Wills) - Minnesota Zoo wild animal exemptions provided.
HF1442 (Hansen) - Aquatic invasive species decal requirements and fees established, trailer decal requirements eliminated, report required, funding provided, and money appropriated.

Property and Local Tax Division

HF1635 (Allen) relating to property taxation; limiting taxable valuation for class 4d property
HF1646 (Melin) modifications to the taconite production tax
HF1647 (Loeffler) renter's credit
Bills Added:
HF796 (Davnie) - Minneapolis and St. Paul; process provided for joint governance of entertainment facilities.
HF1607 (Simonson) - Political subdivision and collection of local lodging taxes clarifying authority provided.
HF1608 (Lien) - Local government aid formula and appropriation changed.
HF857 (Atkins) - Public pension insurance surcharge imposed, pension aids modified, and pension funding provided.

Ways and Means

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Budget Resolution
Bills Added:
HF1113 (Wagenius) - Environment and natural resources trust fund money appropriated, Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources provisions modified, and trust fund land acquisition requirements modified.

Capital Investment

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HF110 (Ward, J.E.) Brainerd; city civic center accessibility improvements grant funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. (Pending House Floor re-referral)
Bills Added:
HF548 (Melin) - American steel product use or supply required on certain projects.
HF567 (Melin) - Solar energy requirements modified for state buildings.
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