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Audio/Video Archives - 2013-2014 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Jobs and Economic Development Finance and Policy

Bills Added:
HF110 (Ward) - Brainerd; city civic center accessibility improvements grant funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF185 (Liebling) - Rochester; Mayo Civic Center improvements design and construction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.


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Bills Added:
HF288 (Fischer) - Capital equipment sales and use tax exemption allowed at time of purchase.
HF304 (Franson) - Capital equipment sales and use tax exemption allowed at time of purchase.

Health and Human Services Policy

To testify please contact Committee Administrator Matthew Bergeron at
Bills Added:
HF296 (Liebling) - Drug formulary exception provided, case management services extended for young adults with severe emotional disturbances, funding provided, and money appropriated for various mental health services and training.
HF353 (Davnie) - Children's school-based mental health grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF359 (Laine) - Children's mental health; case management services modified; awareness, training, and services funding provided; and money appropriated.
HF358 (Loeffler) - Children's mental health and pediatric services electronic survey of providers required, and new mental health services covered under medical assistance.
The Committee will continue to hear the bills discussed during the afternoon meeting.
Bills Added:
HF353 (Davnie) - Children's school-based mental health grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF359 (Laine) - Children's mental health; case management services modified; awareness, training, and services funding provided; and money appropriated.
HF358 (Loeffler) - Children's mental health and pediatric services electronic survey of providers required, and new mental health services covered under medical assistance.
HF296 (Liebling) - Drug formulary exception provided, case management services extended for young adults with severe emotional disturbances, funding provided, and money appropriated for various mental health services and training.

Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Finance

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Continuation: Budget Overview, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Continuation: Budget Overview, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Judiciary Finance and Policy

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Budget Presentations:
The Courts
The Tax Court
Bills Added:
HF278 (Hortman) - Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act enacted as approved by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws.


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Conservation Easements: Legislative Auditor, Audit Commission.
Public Comment on Legacy Funds for Minnesota Orchestra and Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra.

Transportation Policy

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Overview of general and business aviation in Minnesota.
Bills Added:
HF123 (Quam) - Transportation Department periodic review required for property owned by the state for the purpose of determining a surplus.

Property and Local Tax Division

Bills Added:
HF55 (Sundin) - Carlton County; annual tax levy for cemetery purposes authorized.
HF57 (Dill) - Cook-Orr Hospital District levy authority modified.
HF205 (Loeffler) - Hennepin and Ramsey Counties; authority to impose a mortgage and deed tax expiration amended.

Ways and Means

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*SF58/HF95 (Lillie) State labor agreements and compensation plans ratification
Bills Added:
HF251 (Poppe) - Farmer-Lender Mediation Act sunset date extended.

State Government Finance and Veterans Affairs

Discussion of HF 5 will be limited to provisions dealing with accounts within the jurisdiction of the Committee. Work on HF 5 will continue at the Feb. 13 meeting.
Bills Added:
HF5 (Atkins) - Minnesota Insurance Marketplace established, powers and duties prescribed, person's physician of choice right recognized, right to not participate established, open meeting requirements and data practice procedures specified, funding provided, and money appropriated.

Energy Policy

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Overviews on combined heat and power energy systems and waste heat to power

Higher Education Finance and Policy

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Continuation of the discussion on the financial overview of the University of Minnesota.

Education Finance

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Integration revenue program presentation including the 2012 report and recommendations of the Integration Revenue Replacement Advisory Task Force

Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Finance

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Budget Overview: MPCA

Education Policy

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In addition to HF34 and HF171, there will be a informational presentations on the Minnesota Teacher Licensure Examination.
- Karen Balmer, Executive Director, MN Board of Teaching
- Richard Wassen, Director, Education Licensing, and Kevin McHenry, Government Relations Director, MN Department of Education
- Audrey Lensmire, PhD, and Dr. Christopher Smith, Augsburg College, effect of MTLE on Minnesota's Teaching population
- George Kimball, Chairman, Association of Metropolitan School Districts, and Tim Alexander, Assistant Superintendent, Minnetonka Schools
- Representative of MN Association of Colleges for Teacher Education and Teaching College Student
Bills Added:
HF34 (Erickson) - Teacher licensure requirements modified.
HF171 (Ward) - K-12 teachers; requirement repealed for teachers to pass a basic skills examination in reading, writing, and mathematics as a condition for receiving a teaching license.

Health and Human Services Finance

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Continuation of public testimony on the governor's budget proposals for the Department of Human Services (DHS).

In order to accommodate the large number of testifiers, the meeting time has been extended.

To sign up to testify, please email the committee administrator at

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Monday, February 11, 2013

Transportation Finance

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Federal Funds Overview (MAP-21)

Agriculture Policy

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Bills Added:
HF151 (Hansen) - Pesticide education and training program modified.


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The committee will continue its deliberation of these two bills.
Amendment DE1 to HF193 incorporates all of amendments to HF193 that have been adopted by the committee thus far.
Bills Added:
HF193 (Simon) - Absentee ballot voting eligibility and application or obtainment procedures modified, and county auditors required to explain ballot changes to voters with ongoing or permanent absentee ballot status.
HF224 (Erickson) - Mail balloting authorization modified.
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