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Audio/Video Archives - 2013-2014 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Agriculture Policy

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NextGen Energy Board: Report from the Biofuels Advisory Task Force.
Bills Added:
HF462 (Poppe) - Cellulosic ethanol production goal sunset date provided, definitions established, ethanol minimum content requirement converted to a biofuel requirement, petroleum replacement goal expanded, biofuels task force required, and E20 mandate language repealed.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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***Pursuant to rule 2.03 of the Joint Rules, the rules committee is required to re-refer any bills necessary to implement the governor's budget if introduced 15 days after the budget was submitted.
Bills Added:
HF721 (Hornstein) - Governor's transportation budget established; transportation money appropriated; fund transfers, tort claims, and revenue bond issuance authority provided; transportation economic development account and metropolitan area transit sales and use tax established; trunk highway expenses clarified; grade crossing safety account modified; and exemptions made.
HF724 (Paymar) - Omnibus public safety finance bill.
HF729 (Mahoney) - Omnibus jobs, economic development, housing, commerce, and energy bill.

Government Operations

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Other bills may be added to agenda
Bills Added:
HF157 (Hilstrom) - Bullion coin dealers regulated, registration required, conduct prohibited; and enforcement authority, civil, and criminal penalties provided.
HF328 (Liebling) - Minnesota Task Force on Prematurity duties and reporting dates amended.
HF542 (Loeffler) - Whistleblower additional protection provided to state employees.
HF651 (Persell) - City and town accounting system software development, updating, and funding provided; and money appropriated.

Health and Human Services Finance

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To testify, please contact the committee administrator at
Bills Added:
HF357 (Mullery) - Children's mental health; psychosis early identification, intensive treatment, and support funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF663 (Laine) - Newborn screening fee increased, funding provided for support services for families who have a child who is deaf or has a hearing loss, hospital payment rate adjusted, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF689 (Liebling) - Fetal alcohol syndrome reduction programs funding provided, and money appropriated.

Public Safety Finance and Policy

Presentation of information regarding synthetic drugs
Bureau of Criminal Apprehension presentation on information systems

Transportation Finance

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Bills Added:
HF226 (Norton) - Roads with statewide or regional significance and local bridges spending authorized, funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF210 (Brynaert) - Owatonna and Dodge Center; Trunk Highway 14 construction funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF465 (Benson) - I-494 additional lane funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Higher Education Finance and Policy

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Continued discussion of the financial overview of he Minnesota State Colleges and Universities.

Housing Finance and Policy

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Presentation on the potential impacts of federal sequestration on Minnesota housing initiatives and programs.
Bills Added:
HF528 (Clark) - Public housing rehabilitation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.


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History and Budget Overview: Public Television and Ampers

Transportation Policy

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Bills Added:
HF774 (Atkins) - Motor vehicle manufacturer and distributor regulation amended.
HF753 (Simonson) - Vehicles using flashing lights local authority modified.
HF348 (Clark) - Driver's license application procedures and requirements modified.

Labor, Workplace and Regulated Industries

Public testimony will be taken on minimum wage
Bills Added:
HF92 (Winkler) - Minimum wage regulated, and overtime and parental leave provisions modified.

Civil Law

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To testify, please contact Committee Administrator Charlotte Antin at or 651-296-5360.
***Note: HF252 is continued from Tuesday, Feb. 26.
Bills Added:
HF252 (Allen) - Indian child placement proceedings modified.
HF54 (Mullery) - Consumer fraud regulated.
HF642 (Lesch) - Consumer fraud regulated.
HF83 (Freiberg) - Mortgage foreclosure; tenant remedies, single point of contact, and various notices provided; mortgage foreclosure dual tracking prohibited; and mandatory mediation required prior to commencing a mortgage foreclosure.

State Government Finance and Veterans Affairs

Overview of Science Museum
Overview of Minnesota Humanities Council
Overview of Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board
Begin Overview of Public Broadcasting - AMPERS and Minnesota Public Radio
Continue overview of Public Broadcasting
Overview of Dept. of Administration
Overview of Legislature/LCC Budgets
Overview of Dept. of Veterans Affairs


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Bills Added:
HF661 (Kahn) - Tax extended to cosmetic procedures.
HF674 (Lillie) - Income and corporate franchise tax subtraction added.
HF507 (Simonson) - Tax Expenditure Advisory Commission created, and review and sunset of tax expenditures provided.
HF719 (Howe) - Sales and use tax exemptions modified to include some sales at events between established religious orders and affiliated institutions of higher education.
Agenda: HF677 Governor Mark Dayton's Tax Proposal.
7 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Revenue Commissioner Myron Frans
7:30 p.m. Public testimony begins. Speakers should keep their comments to 2- 3 minutes per testifier. Convener will attempt to rotate testimony between advocates and opponents if possible.
If you wish to testify you do not need to sign up; however, if you would like your name added to our list of testifiers please contact the Tax Committee Administrator, Ms. Jensen at 651-296-5528. You can also email her at

Health and Human Services Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
To testify please contact Committee Administrator Matthew Bergeron at
Bills Added:
HF262 (Halverson) - Spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury research grant program and advisory committee established, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF582 (McNamar) - Advanced diagnostic imaging service accreditation required for operation in Minnesota.
HF176 (Norton) - Dental services for the disabled expanded.
HF195 (Loeffler) - Licensed dietitian or nutritionist allowed to adhere to a practice guideline or protocol for a legend drug prescribed by a physician.
HF215 (Ward) - Physical agent modalities, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound device use orders by licensed health care professionals permitted.
HF607 (Morgan) - Optometrist provisions changed.
HF672 (Liebling) - Acute stroke center and system established.
HF213 (Loeffler) - Medical assistance co-payment modified.
Bills Added:
HF607 (Morgan) - Optometrist provisions changed.
HF672 (Liebling) - Acute stroke center and system established.
HF213 (Loeffler) - Medical assistance co-payment modified.

Early Childhood and Youth Development Policy

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Bills Added:
HF393 (Morgan) - Compensatory revenue authorized to be spent on early education efforts including parental outreach.
HF296 (Liebling) - Drug formulary exception provided, case management services extended for young adults with severe emotional disturbances, funding provided, and money appropriated for various mental health services and training.
HF739 (Moran) - Children and family service provisions modified; data practice provisions changed; and contractual agreement provisions changed with tribes, child care programs, community action agencies, the Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP), general assistance, group residential housing, and maltreatment reporting.

Environment and Natural Resources Policy

Bills Added:
HF778 (Persell) - Road easements exchange provided, forest management investment account and State Timber Act modified, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF737 (Hansen) - Clean water fund expenditures authorized, reporting requirements modified, Petroleum Tank Release Cleanup Act modified, wastewater laboratories certification and sanitary districts provided, obsolete rules repealed, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF228 (Johnson) - Wildlife arson increased penalties created for damages to multiple buildings or dwellings, acreage, crops, or demonstrable bodily harm; and restitution provisions added.
HF896 (Persell) - Electric fish barrier design contract required.

Data Practices Subcommittee

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HF20 (Freiberg) Personal contact information classified except where disclosure is specifically authorized by law.
HF501 (Hilstrom) Medical examiners and coroners permitted to use license and identification card photographs.
HF604 (Myhra) Personnel data disclosure provisions modified.
HF621 (Winkler) Private data specified on individuals with disabilities as private data.
HF695 (Simon) Library-maintained private data classification extended to a vendor providing
HF798 (Erhardt) Minnesota road use test participation data classified, and construction manager.
HF828 (Lesch) Secure communications network access authorized, minimum standards provided, and network use.
HF837 (Allen) Data obtained in the course of providing home ownership education, counseling, and training.

If you wish to testify, please contact Charlotte Antin at

***Note.*** There will be future meetings of the Data Practices Subcommittee.

Property and Local Tax Division

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Bills Added:
HF377 (Dorholt) - St. Cloud; area cities local sales and use tax modified.
HF406 (Davnie) - Market value definition modified for tax, debt, and other purposes; funding provided; and money appropriated.
HF660 (Falk) - Real property definition clarified.

Capital Investment

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MnDOT bonding update
Informational hearing on HF587 (Falk) Minnesota Valley Regional Rail Authority funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Added to agenda: Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail update
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