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Audio/Video Archives - 2013-2014 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Public Safety Finance and Policy

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HF2400 & HF2401 will be heard when the committee reconvenes and are informational only.
Bills Added:
HF2400 (Hilstrom) - Corrections commissioner prohibited from outsourcing prison food service.
HF2401 (Hilstrom) - Corrections; funding provided for additional correctional workers, and money appropriated.
HF2373 (Moran) - Equal pay certificate required as a condition for public contracts, data classified, report required, and money appropriated.
HF1082 (Allen) - Judicial forfeiture of property associated with controlled substance offenses and vehicles used in drive-by shootings conviction required.


HF3167 (Lenczewski) State financial management additional revenue priorities modified, and contingent transfers to the budget reserve provided.*

*A14-1023 will be amending HF3167 rather than HF3170.

Public testimony and mark-up of the omnibus tax bill
Bills Added:
HF3171 (Marquart) - Omnibus supplemental education K-12 finance bill.
HF2463 (Atkins) - Political contributions made from funds derived from revenues of a corporation or LLC required to be subject to the individual income tax.

Housing Finance and Policy

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Rep. Karen Clark, in conforming with House Rule 6.20, has called a special committee meeting for Thursday, March 27, 2014. This meeting is scheduled to re-consider the actinos taken on HF2112 during the March 26, 2014 meeting. Amendments discussed but not voted upon during the March 26 hearing will be voted on during the March 27 hearing.
Lines 4.3 and 4.4 will be deleted from the DE2 Amendment.
Bills Added:
HF2112 (Clark) - Housing Opportunity Made Equitable (HOME) pilot project created.

Transportation Finance

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An amendment deadline of 6 p.m. March 26 is in effect for amendments to HF3260 DE2. Please forward any amendments to Matt Scherer, Committee Administrator by e-mail to or to his office in room 470 of the State Office Building.
Bills Added:
HF3260 (Hornstein) - Omnibus transportation finance supplemental appropriations bill.
HF3261 (Hornstein) - Transportation finance appropriations and transfers modified.


HFXXXX (Franson) City of Bluffton
Release of Omnibus Tax Bill
Bills Added:
HF1302 (Carlson) - Motor vehicle title transfer-on-death provided.
HF3156 (Petersburg) - Nonprofit ticket or admission exemption clarified.
HF2427 (Atkins) - Firefighter retirement; independent nonprofit firefighting corporations state aid eligibility clarified.
HF3272 (Lenczewski) - Sales and use tax refund payment for biopharmaceutical manufacturing facilities clarified.
HF1948 (Murphy) - Military reserve income tax subtraction extended to Active Guard Reserve income.

Commerce and Consumer Protection Finance and Policy

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Bills Added:
HF2884 (Garofalo) - Special electric tariff required for charging electric vehicles.
HF2537 (Marquart) - Propane; terms of sale and service regulated and service during the heating season discontinued with respect to residential propane customers, and registration of and reporting by propane distributors required.
HF3183 (Radinovich) - Mille Lacs Tourism Council grant money transferred from Explore Minnesota Tourism.
HF2603 (Hortman) - Community energy efficiency and renewable energy loan program modified, permissible administrative expenses modified for disbursement of supplemental low-income home energy assistance, and weatherization assistance program money appropriated.
HF2767 (Johnson) - Telecommunications antiquated, unnecessary, redundant, or obsolete laws eliminated; and conforming changes made.
HF2854 (Atkins) - Commerce Department and Public Utilities Commission; obsolete, unnecessary, or redundant laws and rules removed; and conforming changes made.
HF2853 (Atkins) - Licensees regulated, education requirements modified, technical changes made, enforcement provisions and other actions modified, homeowner policy surcharges prohibited, and insurance holding company systems regulated by enacting changes proposed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.

Early Childhood and Youth Development Policy

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HF3216 (Huntley) Department of Health, Northstar Care for Children program, continuing care, community first services and supports, health care, and chemical dependency changes made; hospital payment system modified; background study and home and community-based service standards modified; fees set; and rate increases provided.

Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Finance

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Bills may be added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF2852 (Dill) - Omnibus game and fish bill.
HF2733 (Dill) - Omnibus environment and natural resources policy bill.
HF2301 (Erickson) - Omnibus lands bill.

Agriculture Policy

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HF2110 and 2111 will be heard for informational purposes only.
Bills Added:
HF3203 (Johnson) - Minimum biodiesel fuel content requirements modified, and diesel generators exempted from the requirements to use biodiesel fuel.
HF2110 (Clark) - Sustainable agriculture programs and grants modified.
HF2111 (Clark) - Urban agriculture development zones added in land use planning.

Education Finance

HF3171 (Marquart) General education funding and policy modifications provided for early childhood, kindergarten through grade 12, and adult education, including general education, education excellence, special education, nutrition, and self-sufficiency and lifelong learning; forecast adjustments made; and money appropriated. - amendment consideration and re-referral.

Labor, Workplace and Regulated Industries

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Bills Added:
HF2324 (Yarusso) - Therapists included within the teacher bargaining unit.
HF2525 (Hansen) - Employee definition clarified to reflect the school calendar for purposes of parental leave.
HF2939 (Anzelc) - Employee protections provided in joint powers agreements.
HF2313 (Winkler) - Confidential employee definition changed.

Government Operations

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HF 2724 (Nelson - agency rulemaking regulated) has been progressed to Friday's agenda.
Bills Added:
HF2945 (Murphy) - Investment reporting modified.
HF2541 (Hortman) - Energy improvement program changes made for local governments, and technical changes made.
HF2434 (Woodard) - Cedar Lake area water and sanitary sewer district maximum number of connections increased; and Helena Township in Scott County authorized to use surplus land, property, or money after removal of a subordinate service district.
HF653 (Quam) - Social media communications not considered meetings under open meeting law.
HF2474 (Hansen) - Dakota County; local county government plan adoption authorized.
HF2613 (Nelson) - Hennepin County; multijurisdictional reinvestment program modified.

Health and Human Services Finance

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HF2150 (Huntley) Health and human services appropriations and policy provisions technical corrections made.
We will take public testimony on HF2150 as it will be amended. To sign up to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator, Lucy Morgan, at

Housing Finance and Policy

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There will be a DE Amendment to HF2112. The DE Amendment is anticipated to be posted by noon March 25.
Bills Added:
HF2112 (Clark) - Housing Opportunity Made Equitable (HOME) pilot project created.

State Government Finance and Veterans Affairs

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HF2658 (Mahoney) Workers' Compensatory Advisory Council recommendations adopted. (The focus will be on committee jurisdiction of Dept. of Administration fiscal impact)
HF2363 (P. Anderson) Eagle's Healing Nest grant provided, and money appropriated. (Informational only)
HF3186 (Wills) Disabled veteran's credit and definition of disabled veteran definitions modified for purposes of the veteran's preference. (Informational only)
Other bills may be added pending re-referrals.

Testimony has already been taken on HF 2785, HF 2419, and HF 2117.
Bills Added:
HF2785 (Dorholt) - Central fund feasibility study creation required to pay for costs of providing accommodations to state employees with disabilities.
HF2419 (Fritz) - State-administered retirement savings plan report to the legislature required by the commissioner of management and budget, and money appropriated.
HF2117 (Howe) - Veteran preference hearing related procedures modified.


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Clean Water Fund, Substitution vs Supplement

Health and Human Services Policy

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HF2467 will be heard pending re-referral from the Civil Law Committee. HF435 will be amended and moved to the General Register without substantive content to be used as a vehicle. The Committee will not take additional public testimony on HF435.
Additional bills may be added to the agenda.
To testify please contact Committee Administrator Matthew Bergeron at
Bills Added:
HF2874 (Liebling) - Health care; technical changes made; and antiquated, unnecessary, and obsolete provisions eliminated or modernized.
HF2950 (Liebling) - Children and family services, health care, chemical and mental health services, continuing care, and operations obsolete provisions removed; and elderly waiver, alternative care program, and mental health services for children governing provisions modified.
HF2467 (Liebling) - Human services background studies requirements modified.
HF435 (Schoen) - Advanced practice registered nurse clarified.

Judiciary Finance and Policy

Bills Added:
HF2958 (Lesch) - Human rights; jury trials required for unfair discriminatory practice civil actions.
HF2928 (Slocum) - Criminal vehicular homicide or operation statute technical amendments provided, and driving while impaired law clarified to work with amendments to criminal vehicular homicide and operation statute.
HF2574 (Slocum) - Predatory offender registration requirements modified and clarified, criminal sexual conduct in the third degree crime sentence clarified.
HF3027 (Allen) - Children and family services provisions modified; Northstar Care for Children program, background studies, adoption, and licensing requirements changed; and technical changes made.
HF3215 (Huntley) - Health Department, Northstar Care for Children program, continuing care, community first services and supports, health care, and chemical dependency changes made; hospital payment system modified; background study and home and community-based service standards modified; fees set; and rate increases provided.
HF859 (Simon) - Landlords and tenants; victims of violence remedies established, and Housing Opportunity Made Equitable (HOME) pilot project established.
HF2386 (Johnson) - Conviction relief petition filing and notice to offender for restitution modified.
HF2481 (Selcer) - Pupil transportation; seat belt cutters required in type III vehicles, school bus drivers required to conduct post-trip inspections, bus endorsement reporting and cancellation requirements modified, and penalties provided.
HF2925 (Lesch) - Imprisonment and Exoneration Remedies Act; exonerated persons compensated, and money appropriated.
HF807 (Mullery) - Predatory offender registration limited for persons under the age of 18 years, and time period and renewals allowed for a continuance without adjudication in a juvenile delinquency case extended.
HF3238 (Schoen) - Domestic violence restraining order provisions modified to prohibit persons subject to the restraining orders from possessing weapons, and persons convicted of domestic violence offenses required to surrender their firearms while they are prohibited from possessing firearms.

Civil Law

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The committee will review the data practices provisions of the A33 Amendment to HF2397. See the memorandum below drafted pursuant to House Rule 4.16.
Bills Added:
HF2276 (Holberg) - Safe at Home program participant data and real property records regulated.
HF2405 (Ward) - Checking account numbers classified as nonpublic data.
HF2227 (Johnson) - ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) response and treatment quality of care report required.
HF2989 (Swedzinski) - Secretary of state filings, recordings, and registrations regulated.
HF2912 (Simon) - Personal property liens regulated, and sale of motor vehicle held by a licensed dealer provided.
HF3017 (Paymar) - Public Safety Department; outdated and redundant statutes amended and repealed, and report required on collection of data on victims of domestic abuse.
HF3073 (Atkins) - Insurance regulations modified to reduce fraud, no-fault auto benefits regulated, economic benefits modified under chapter 65B, and motor vehicle insurance coverage verification task force established.

Public Safety Finance and Policy

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DOC overview of supplemental funding requests: critical staff operating increase and prison population growth. DPS overview of supplemental funding request: emergency communications network.
Omnibus public safety supplemental budget bill in the evening
Bills Added:
HF263 (Paymar) - Firearm law crime of violence definition amended.
HF2156 (Rosenthal) - Forensic laboratory accreditation provided.
HF3273 (Paymar) - Omnibus public safety bill.
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