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Audio/Video Archives - 2013-2014 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Education Finance

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Bills Added:
HF658 (Melin) - Taconite revenue levy reductions adjusted.
HF808 (Bernardy) - Adult basic education aid annual program growth factor increased.
HF1407 (Anzelc) - Contracted pupil transportation expense allocation across categories simplified.
HF1406 (Radinovich) - Education advancement revenue created, operating referendum reduced, property taxes reduced, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1141 (Moran) - Homeless children qualified for early educational services.

Education Policy

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HF986 will be heard on an informational basis.
Bills Added:
HF1383 (Newton) - Special education case loads task force established, and report required.
HF356 (Newton) - School districts allowed to use safe schools levy proceeds for collaborating with mental health professionals, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF986 (Newton) - School personnel notice and reporting requirements added.
HF1059 (Morgan) - Charter school provided, and annual portfolio report authorized.

Health and Human Services Finance

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The Office of the Legislative Auditor (OLA) will present its report on the Department of Human Services (DHS) State Operated Services (SOS). (This is rescheduled from March 14).


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Informational hearing only - no action will be taken on these bills.
Bills Added:
HF276 (Dehn) - Constitutional amendments; a resolution requesting Congress to propose a constitutional amendment and if not, applying to Congress to call a constitutional convention to propose an amendment clarifying that the rights protected under the Constitution are the rights of natural persons and not artificial entities, and that spending money to influence elections is not speech under the First Amendment.
HF491 (Dehn) - Individual civil rights restored upon release from incarceration, notice required, and county attorney obligation to promptly investigate voter registration and eligibility repealed.

Energy Policy

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Update on Solar Rewards Program and Made in Minnesota Solar Bonus Program.
Bills Added:
HF655 (Howe) - High-voltage transmission line routing process regulated, and designation of a preferred route prohibited in the permitting process.

Jobs and Economic Development Finance and Policy

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In addition to the scheduled bills, there will be a presentation by Greater MSP on economic development partnerships.
Bills Added:
HF678 (Hilstrom) - Event ticket practices regulated, and minimum standards for consumer protection established.
HF765 (Laine) - Office of Collaboration and Dispute Management created in the Bureau of Mediation Services, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1018 (Ward) - Enterprise Minnesota, Inc. grant funding provided to the commissioner of employment and economic development, and money appropriated.


Bills Added:
HF1336 (Hansen) - Fracturing sand extraction and processing tax imposed, aggregate production tax rates modified, funding provided, money appropriated, and criminal penalties provided.
HF1437 (Dettmer) - Forest Lake Economic Development Authority duration and authority extended, and tax increment financing authorized.
HF1616 (Masin) - Eagan; temporary authority extended to spend tax increments.

Health and Human Services Policy

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To testify please contact Committee Administrator Matthew Bergeron at
Bills Added:
HF1115 (Allen) - Medical Practice Act changes made.
HF1179 (Schomacker) - Resident reimbursement classification changes made.
HF1002 (Schoen) - Criminal background check process established for individuals licensed by the health-related licensing boards and commissioner of health, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF256 (Fritz) - Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) family cap repealed.


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Civics Education Coalition
Department of Agriculture, County Fairs
Como Park Zoo
More additions to come

Transportation Policy

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Bills May be Added to the Agenda.
Bills Added:
HF1223 (Ward) - Washington County Regional Rail Authority exercise of existing powers for bus rapid transit purposes authorized.
HF1204 (Dorholt) - Transportation public-private partnership pilot program and related regulations established.
HF1016 (Selcer) - Underage passengers in motor carriers and limousines supervision designation required for compliance with underage drinking laws.
HF1549 (Melin) - Driver's license suspension and revocation provisions modified for persons who commit criminal vehicular operation offenses, ignition interlock device program expanded to include these offenders, and participants in original interlock device program allowed to drive employer-owned vehicles not equipped with ignition interlock devices.
HF1547 (Metsa) - Bridge Coatings Standards Advisory Group created.

Judiciary Finance and Policy

The chair has waved the 24-hour rule for this meeting. However, members must notify the committee administrator if they intend to file an amendment.
***NOTE:*** HF829 and HF975 are pending re-referral from Civil Law.
If you wish to testify, please contact the committee administrator at
Bills Added:
HF252 (Allen) - Indian child placement proceedings modified.
HF829 (Allen) - Landlord violation civil penalty imposed; tenant hold over provisions amended; time appeal and notice of hearing modified; and technical, clarifying, and conforming changes made.
HF767 (Morgan) - Omnibus human services continuing care policy bill.
HF1206 (Isaacson) - Body art regulations modified, and criminal penalties provided.
HF946 (Liebling) - Underage possession or consumption of alcohol immunity provided for a person contacting 911 to seek assistance for another.
HF975 (Benson) - Human services fair hearing and internal audit provisions modified, Cultural and Ethnic Leadership Communities Council created, obsolete language removed, and technical changes made.
HF1556 (Hilstrom) - Corrections; time period a person may be held in jail or state correctional facility limited.
HF1557 (Hilstrom) - Simultaneous competency, mental illness or defect, and civil commitment examinations required for defendants; and civil commitment hearings for defendants facilitated.

Civil Law

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***NOTE:*** The 24-hour rule has been amended for this meeting. Amendments will be accepted until 5:15 p.m. on Monday, March 18.

HF131 has been rescheduled for March 20. HF573 is pending re-referral.
If you wish to testify, please contact the committee administrator at
Bills Added:
HF19 (Hortman) - Agency designations allowed in certain civil law situations, form language provided, clarifying changes made, and Tax Court appeals filing requirements clarified.
HF1051 (Rosenthal) - Crime victim rights and programs statutory provisions clarified, and a restitution working group provided.
HF573 (Ward) - Public employees insurance program regulated, and school employer participation required.
HF1081 (Allen) - Vehicle forfeiture; burden of proof shifted to the prosecutor in an innocent owner case involving off-highway vehicles, DWI, designated offenses, controlled substance offenses, fleeing offenses, and prostitution offenses; homestead exemption codified and expanded; and innocent owners allowed to reclaim vehicle if equipped with ignition interlock device.
HF1082 (Allen) - Judicial forfeiture of property associated with controlled substance offenses and vehicles used in drive-by shootings conviction required.

Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Finance

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More Bill Additions to Come
Bills Added:
HF349 (Anderson) - Biofuel blender pump cost-share grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1188 (Falk) - Greater Minnesota groundwater management conference funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1189 (Falk) - Baseline water quality monitoring funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF684 (Fischer) - Clean water funding provided, and money appropriated to protect water supplies and lakes in the northeast Twin Cities area.
HF1329 (Fischer) - Clean water funding provided, and money appropriated to protect water supplies and lakes in the northeast Twin Cities area.
HF1372 (Fischer) - Water development management area funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1373 (Fischer) - Metropolitan groundwater management conference funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF581 (Hansen) - Clean water fund use authorized to support local inflow and infiltration reduction programs, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF971 (Hansen) - Minnesota Public Drainage Manual updated, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1277 (Hansen) - Shoreland ordinance incentive grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF737 (Hansen) - Clean water fund expenditures authorized, reporting requirements modified, Petroleum Tank Release Cleanup Act modified, wastewater laboratories certification and sanitary districts provided, obsolete rules repealed, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1423 (Hansen) - Coal tar product use and sale prohibited, funding provided, and money appropriated from the clean water fund.
HF819 (Murphy) - Public Facilities Authority grant programs reorganized, and small community wastewater treatment grants provided.
HF1439 (Newton) - Permanent school trust land costs limited, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1571 (Newton) - Anoka County; water resource management practices funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1530 (Erickson) - Isle; Malone Island Bridge replacement funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF968 (Kiel) - Red River of the North monitoring program funding provided, and money appropriated.
Continuing bills to be laid over from morning agenda
Continuing bills to be laid over from morning agenda

Government Operations

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HF 950 and HF 894 will be heard during the morning portion of the committee hearing.
Bills Added:
HF262 (Halverson) - Spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury research grant program and advisory committee established, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF543 (Liebling) - Council on Disability membership decreased from 21 to 17.
HF128 (Slocum) - Solid waste collection organization implementation process for cities amended.
HF1382 (Anzelc) - Municipalities authorized to issue obligations without election for certain street improvements.
HF646 (Morgan) - Driver instruction permit provisions modified and clarified, Novice Driver Education Improvement Task Force established, rulemaking authorized, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1389 (Kahn) - Finance and budget provisions changed, Office of MN.IT Services added and provisions changed, and state information network exempted from term limitations on contracts.
HF1390 (Kahn) - Geospatial Information Office provisions updated.
HF1050 (Runbeck) - Hugo; regional sewer and water system feasibility study grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1196 (Nelson) - Competitive bid advertisement publications in a recognized industry trade journal authorized.
HF778 (Persell) - Road easements exchange provided, forest management investment account and State Timber Act modified, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF894 (Simon) - Omnibus elections policy bill.
HF950 (Nelson) - Family child care providers and home and community-based long-term care services collective bargaining authorized, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF857 (Atkins) - Public pension insurance surcharge imposed, pension aids modified, and pension funding provided.

Commerce and Consumer Protection Finance and Policy

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Bills Added:
HF817 (Myhra) - Certified public accounting services exempted from licensure requirements.
HF662 (Laine) - Omnibus health policy bill, and Minnesota Radon Awareness Act.
HF458 (Persell) - Formaldehyde banned in children's products.
HF978 (Huntley) - Health plan policy and contract coverage regulated, and state law conformed to federal requirements.
HF1377 (Hortman) - Mortgage lender and servicer loss mitigation required, and mortgage foreclosure dual tracking prohibited.
HF459 (Atkins) - Bisphenol-A in children's food containers sale prohibited.
HF1060 (Atkins) - Lawful gambling account, record keeping, and other regulatory provisions modified.
HF1255 (Johnson) - Broadband Development Office established in the Commerce Department, duties assigned, Transportation Department required to post a database on its website, and reports required.
HF1284 (Schoen) - Motor fuel sale restriction by local units of government prohibited.
HF1587 (Halverson) - Insurance; foreign language polices and advertising regulated, and electronic notices and documents authorized.

Property and Local Tax Division

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Bills Added:
HF1336 (Hansen) - Fracturing sand extraction and processing tax imposed, aggregate production tax rates modified, funding provided, money appropriated, and criminal penalties provided.
HF1437 (Dettmer) - Forest Lake Economic Development Authority duration and authority extended, and tax increment financing authorized.
HF1616 (Masin) - Eagan; temporary authority extended to spend tax increments.
Bills Added:
HF1327 (Metsa) - School district mineral tax division and distribution modified.
HF1161 (Dill) - Property tax valuation criteria for conservation easements purchased with outdoor heritage funds established.
HF1246 (Anzelc) - Iron Range fiscal disparities program study required, and money appropriated.
HF1508 (Dehn) - Minneapolis; public entertainment facility property tax exemption provided.

Public Safety Finance and Policy

Bills Added:
HF142 (Kieffer) - Criminal sexual conduct offender penalties enhanced.
HF790 (Johnson) - Conditional release terms clarified.
HF237 (Paymar) - Firearms; pistol and semiautomatic military-style assault weapon transfer and firearm possession eligibility provisions modified, and criminal penalties provided.

Ways and Means

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Minnesota Management & Budget presentation governor's supplemental budget recommendations
Bills Added:
HF152 (Nelson) - Transportation ombudsperson established.
HF1113 (Wagenius) - Environment and natural resources trust fund money appropriated, Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources provisions modified, and trust fund land acquisition requirements modified.

Energy Policy

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*HF255 is for informational purposes.
Bills Added:
HF255 (Atkins) - Commerce commissioner directed to assess federal progress in developing a permanent repository for high-level radioactive waste, reports required, and actions to be taken specified by commissioner and Public Utilities Commission.
HF1205 (Anderson) - Transmission line assessment of need and routing regulated.

Higher Education Finance and Policy

Continuation of the presentation by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities of the 2014-2015 biennial budget request. The Office of Higher Education will present the governor's higher education policy and finance bills. HF983 and HF437 will be heard and laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus higher education finance bill.
Bills Added:
HF983 (Lien) - Higher education provisions modified; student grants, awards, aid, school registration, and licensure provisions modified; state appropriation use prohibited for bonuses and performance-based incentive payments; information required to be provided in higher education budget proposals; procedures related to terminating institutions from financial aid programs modified; cancellation procedure of required surety bond established; MnDRIVE program established; and Higher Education Advisory Council repealed.
HF437 (Pelowski) - Governor's higher education budget established; funding provided and money appropriated to the Office of Higher Education, the Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota, and the Mayo Clinic.
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