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Audio/Video Archives - 2013-2014 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Thursday, April 18, 2013

Waiver of Joint Rule 2.03: HF767 (Morgan) Department of Human Services Continuing Care Omnibus Policy Bill.

Waiver of Joint Rule 2.03: HF80 (Hilstrom) Assigned consumer debt default judgments regulated.

Waiver of Joint Rule 2.03: HF1765 (Nelson) Labor peace agreements required for receipt of public funds. **Pending referral from Labor, Workplace and Regulated Industries**

**NOTE: HF1184/SF1589 (Murphy, M.) Omnibus State Government Finance and Veterans Affairs and HF 1183 (Kahn) Legacy Omnibus bill have been removed from the agenda.


9:00 AM to noon
HF630 (Marquart) Omnibus Education Finance Bill
HF677 (Lenczewski) Omnibus Tax bill. Begin public testimony
Recess for Noon session

Reconvene after session
HF1444 (Hornstein) Omnibus Transportation Finance Bill
HFxxxx (Hortman) Relating to taxation; sales and use; providing an exemption for a biopharmaceutical manufacturing facility
HF677 (Lenczewski) Omnibus Tax Bill. Continuing testimony and begin markup.
***HFxxxx (Hortman) is posted on the committee website
People interested in testifying do not need to sign up, however if you want to sign up contact Emily Jensen at or 651-296-5528

Commerce and Consumer Protection Finance and Policy

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E-Pulltab Update and Discussion of Options
Tom Barrett, MN Gambling Control Board
Pat McCormack, House Research Department

Ways and Means

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Order of agenda subject to change.
Amendments are due to committee staff by 3 p.m., Friday, April 12.
Bills Added:
HF637 (Halverson) - Voter registration provisions modified, and election administration procedures modified for individuals who have been convicted of a felony.
HF136 (Hansen) - Public official definition expanded in campaign finance and public disclosure law, and clarifying changes provided.
HF334 (Bernardy) - Early voting and funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF894 (Simon) - Omnibus elections policy bill.
HF591 (Sanders) - Partisan office vacancy nomination procedures modified, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1184 (Murphy) - Omnibus state government finance and veteran affairs bill.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Transportation Finance

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An amendment deadline is in effect for HF1444 (Hornstein) Omnibus Transportation Finance Bill. Amendments are due by 5 p.m., Friday, April 12.
Amendments will be heard during Monday's hearing on HF1444 (Hornstein).
Bills Added:
HF1444 (Hornstein) - Omnibus transportation finance bill.

Early Childhood and Youth Development Policy

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Informational hearing in HFXXXX (Mullery). This bill is the substance of the provisions found in HF1233 Article 3. Testimony will be taken on HFXXXX and amendments on Monday. Formal action on amendments and the bill will be taken on Tuesday.

Labor, Workplace and Regulated Industries

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HF985 will be heard for informational purposes only.
HF1765 (Nelson) Labor peace agreements required for receipt of public funds.
Bills Added:
HF985 (Johnson) - Telecommunications enforcement authority clarified, new requirements for tariffs added, proprietary information protected, criteria for certificates of authority specified, alternative regulation plans terminated, definitions added, technical corrections made, obsolete provisions removed, and conforming changes made.

Higher Education Finance and Policy

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Final mark-up and passage of the Omnibus Higher Education Finance and Policy bill.
Bills Added:
HF1692 (Pelowski) - Omnibus higher education finance and policy bill.
HF983 (Lien) - Higher education provisions modified; student grants, awards, aid, school registration, and licensure provisions modified; state appropriation use prohibited for bonuses and performance-based incentive payments; information required to be provided in higher education budget proposals; procedures related to terminating institutions from financial aid programs modified; cancellation procedure of required surety bond established; MnDRIVE program established; and Higher Education Advisory Council repealed.


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Video Available:

Walk through of the Omnibus Tax Bill. The bill will be posted at 6:00 PM.
Bills Added:
HF740 (Erickson) - Omnibus lands bill.

Ways and Means

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Modify Budget Resolution
Amendments are due to committee staff by 8 a.m., Friday, April 12.
Bills Added:
HF1160 (Hilstrom) - Omnibus judiciary finance and policy bill.
HF976 (Wagenius) - Omnibus environment, natural resources, and agriculture finance and policy bill.
HF1183 (Kahn) - Omnibus legacy bill.
HF568 (Hansen) - Personal sick leave benefit use modified, and report required.

Transportation Finance

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The hearing will consist of an informational walkthrough of HF1444 (Hornstein) Omnibus Transportation Finance Bill and testimony from advocates.
A delete-all amendment to HF1444 (Hornstein) Omnibus Transportation Finance Bill will be posted on Thursday, April 11.
An amendment deadline for HF1444 will be in effect. Amendments are due to Committee Administrator Matt Scherer by 5 p.m. Friday, April 12. Please deliver any amendments to Room 470 of the State Office Building or electronically to
Bills Added:
HF1444 (Hornstein) - Omnibus transportation finance bill.

Education Finance

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Mark up and passage of the omnibus education finance and policy bill - HF630.

Health and Human Services Finance

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Amendments will be heard on the Omnibus Health & Human Services Finance bill (HF1233).
Markup and final passage of bill as amended.
Changes will be posted on the committee website.

Capital Investment

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Mark up and final passage of omnibus bonding bill (HF270) as amended. Amendments due by 10 a.m. April 10.
Bill added to agenda:
HF1070 (Hausman) Public housing rehabilitation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
If you wish to testify, please email the committee administrator at:
More bills may be added to agenda
Bills Added:
HF1070 (Ward) - Omnibus bonding bill.

Health and Human Services Finance

Public testimony continues on the Omnibus Health & Human Services Finance bill.
To sign up to testify, please email the committee adminnstrator at
NOTE: Amendments are due by TODAY, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, at 10 AM.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Monday, April 15, 2013
Proposed Calendar for the Day for Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Waiver of Joint Rule 2.03 regarding deadlines:
HF128 (Slocum) Solid waste collection organization implementation process for cities amended.
HF1122 (Persell) Clean Water Legacy Act modified to improve accountability.

Ways and Means

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Removed from agenda:
Omnibus Judiciary Finance Bill (HF1160)
Amendments are due to committee staff by 9 a.m., Thursday, April 11.
Bills Added:
HF724 (Paymar) - Omnibus public safety finance bill.
HF866 (Freiberg) - Procurement and solicitation process and nonvisual technology access standards provisions changed, and contracts with private entity services provided.
HF779 (Atkins) - Health plan policy and contract coverages regulated, state law conformed to federal requirements, health plan market rules established, and essential community providers designation modified.

Education Finance

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Public testimony on the delete-all amendment to HF630 - omnibus education finance and policy bill.
Persons interested in testifying should email the committee administrator at
Mark-up and passage of the bill will take place when the committee reconvenes later in the day.


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Bills Added:
HF1691 (Simon) - Eating disorder treatment included in tax credits.
HF1570 (Marquart) - Public hearings required to be held by any county, school district, some cities, and the Metropolitan Council prior to adopting proposed levies.
HF1696 (Erickson) - Utility cooperative hookup payment exempted from sales and use tax.
HF319 (Davids) - Camping site tax authorization expanded to include private campgrounds.
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