Date: 4/9/2001
Journal Page 1876 -- * Please see the Journal of the House for official recorded roll call votes.
Those who voted in the affirmative were:
Abeler | Abrams | Anderson, B. | Anderson, I. | Bakk |
Bernardy | Biernat | Bishop | Boudreau | Bradley |
Buesgens | Carlson | Cassell | Clark, J. | Clark, K. |
Daggett | Davids | Davnie | Dawkins | Dehler |
Dempsey | Dibble | Dorman | Dorn | Eastlund |
Entenza | Erickson | Evans | Finseth | Folliard |
Fuller | Gerlach | Gleason | Goodno | Goodwin |
Gray | Greiling | Gunther | Hackbarth | Harder |
Hausman | Hilstrom | Hilty | Holberg | Holsten |
Howes | Huntley | Jacobson | Jaros | Jennings |
Johnson, J. | Johnson, R. | Johnson, S. | Juhnke | Kahn |
Kalis | Kelliher | Kielkucki | Knoblach | Koskinen |
Krinkie | Kubly | Kuisle | Larson | Leighton |
Lenczewski | Leppik | Lieder | Lindner | Lipman |
Mahoney | Mares | Mariani | Marko | Marquart |
McElroy | McGuire | Milbert | Molnau | Mulder |
Mullery | Murphy | Ness | Nornes | Olson |
Opatz | Osskopp | Osthoff | Otremba | Ozment |
Paulsen | Pawlenty | Paymar | Pelowski | Penas |
Peterson | Pugh | Rhodes | Rifenberg | Rukavina |
Ruth | Schumacher | Seagren | Seifert | Sertich |
Skoe | Skoglund | Slawik | Smith | Stanek |
Stang | Sviggum | Swapinski | Swenson | Sykora |
Thompson | Tingelstad | Tuma | Vandeveer | Wagenius |
Walker | Walz | Wasiluk | Wenzel | Westerberg |
Westrom | Wilkin | Winter | Wolf | Workman |
Date 4/9/2001 |
Bill # SF0225 View Vote |
1876 |
Yeas 130 |
Nays 0 |