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* Unofficial Recorded Roll Call Floor Vote

H.F. NO. 3787


More votes on H.F. NO. 3787

128 YEA and 0 Nay

Date: 5/15/2010

Journal Page 13199 -- * Please see the Journal of the House for official recorded roll call votes.

Those who voted in the affirmative were:

Anderson, B. Anderson, P. Anderson, S. Anzelc Atkins
Beard Benson Bigham Bly Brod
Brown Brynaert Buesgens Bunn Carlson
Champion Clark Cornish Davnie Dean
Dettmer Dill Dittrich Doepke Doty
Downey Drazkowski Eastlund Eken Emmer
Falk Faust Fritz Gardner Garofalo
Gottwalt Greiling Gunther Hackbarth Hamilton
Hansen Hausman Haws Hayden Hilty
Holberg Hoppe Hornstein Hortman Hosch
Howes Huntley Jackson Johnson Juhnke
Kahn Kalin Kath Kelliher Kiffmeyer
Knuth Koenen Kohls Laine Lanning
Lenczewski Lesch Liebling Lieder Lillie
Loeffler Loon Mack Mahoney Mariani
Marquart Masin McFarlane McNamara Morgan
Morrow Mullery Murdock Murphy, E. Murphy, M.
Nelson Newton Nornes Norton Obermueller
Olin Otremba Paymar Pelowski Peppin
Persell Peterson Poppe Reinert Rosenthal
Rukavina Ruud Sailer Sanders Scalze
Scott Seifert Sertich Severson Shimanski
Simon Slawik Slocum Smith Solberg
Sterner Swails Thao Thissen Tillberry
Torkelson Urdahl Wagenius Ward Welti
Westrom Winkler Zellers

Those who voted in the negative were:

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Recorded Roll Call Floor Votes

2009 - 2010