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* Unofficial Recorded Roll Call Floor Vote

H.F. NO. 3


More votes on H.F. NO. 3

74 YEA and 54 Nay

Date: 5/24/2017

Journal Page 32 -- * Please see the Journal of the House for official recorded roll call votes.

Those who voted in the affirmative were:

Albright Anderson, P. Anderson, S. Backer Bahr, C.
Baker Barr, R. Bennett Bliss Christensen
Cornish Daniels Daudt Davids Dean, M.
Dettmer Drazkowski Erickson Fabian Fenton
Franke Franson Garofalo Green Grossell
Gruenhagen Gunther Haley Halverson Hamilton
Heintzeman Hertaus Hoppe Howe Jessup
Johnson, B. Jurgens Kiel Knoblach Koznick
Kresha Layman Loon Loonan Lucero
Lueck McDonald Metsa Miller Nash
Neu Newberger Nornes O'Driscoll O'Neill
Peppin Petersburg Pierson Poston Quam
Rarick Schomacker Scott Smith Swedzinski
Theis Torkelson Uglem Urdahl Vogel
West Whelan Wills Zerwas

Those who voted in the negative were:

Allen Anselmo Becker-Finn Bernardy Bly
Carlson, A. Carlson, L. Clark Considine Davnie
Dehn, R. Ecklund Fischer Flanagan Freiberg
Hansen Hausman Hilstrom Hornstein Hortman
Johnson, C. Johnson, S. Koegel Kunesh-Podein Lee
Lesch Liebling Lien Lillie Mahoney
Mariani Marquart Masin Maye Quade Moran
Murphy, E. Murphy, M. Nelson Olson Omar
Pelowski Pinto Poppe Pryor Rosenthal
Runbeck Sandstede Sauke Schultz Sundin
Thissen Wagenius Ward Youakim

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Recorded Roll Call Floor Votes

2017 Special Session