Chair: Rep. Joe Schomacker
Location: 200 State Office Building
I. Call To Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes (3/6/18)
IV. HF2996 (Kresha) Child Welfare Training System modification required, report required, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
• Nicole Names, MACSSA Representative and Human Services Dir, Pope County
• Traci Laliberte, Exec Dir, Cntr for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare, U of MN Tein Cities
• Tracy Krudo, Manager, Child Welfare Training – DHS
• Eric Jayne, County CP, Ramsey County
• Rich Gehrman, Executive Director, Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota
V. HF2920 (Kiel) Ramsey County; nursing facility construction project rate modified.
• Marvin Plakut, CEO, Episcopal Church Homes of Minnesota
VI. HF3172 (Zerwas) Notice to home care provider of person's status as registered predatory offender required.
• Kevin Goodno, MN HomeCare Assoc.
VII. HF3312 (Zerwas) Minnesota Health Records Act provisions modified (1 HR maximum)
• Speaking against: Matt Flanders - Legislative Specialist, Citizens' Council for Health Freedom
• Speaking against: David Feinwachs, St. Paul
• Speaking against: Rich Neumeister, St. Paul
• Speaking in favor: Mark Buermann, ALS Association of Minnesota
• Speaking in favor: Steven Mulder, M.D., President & CEO Hutchinson Health
• Speaking in favor: Bentley Graves, Director, Health Care and Transportation Policy, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce / Lucas Nesse, Health Policy and Grassroots Director, Minnesota Business Partnership
• Speaking in favor: Careen Martin, Vice President & Chief Privacy Officer Allina Health / Sarah Karlgaard, Senior Associate General Counsel Allina Health
VIII. Adjournment