Rep. Jamie Becker-Finn
Remote Hearing
· HF 3322 (Reyer) Marriage license and dissolution petition filing fee increased, and Minnesota Family Resiliency Partnership funding increased.
· HF 3666 (Greenman) Elections; intimidation of officials prohibited, election duty administration by official interference prohibited, and penalties provided.
· HF 3217 (Klevorn) Mental or behavioral health assistance data connected to farming or agriculture individuals protected.
· HF3405 (Winkler) Minnesota Nursing Home Workforce Standards Board and duties established, training required for nursing home workers, retaliation against nursing home workers prohibited, enforcement provided, rulemaking authorized, and civil actions authorized by nursing home workers.
· HF4181 (Sundin) Indemnity application clarified when insurance coverage exists.
· HF 3768 (Koegel) – Transfer of structured settlement process and approval amended, and prohibited practice violation enforcement provided.
· HF3850 (Thompson) Minnesota Migration Act established, funding provided to study and develop reparation proposals for descendants of chattel slavery who reside in Minnesota, report required, and money appropriated.
· HF4200 (Frazier) - Public safety innovation board established, community safety grants provided, law enforcement grants and policy provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
· HF3446 (Moller) Department of Human Services systemic critical incident review team established, and public health care program and trust language removed.
· HF3159 (Hollins) Permanency disposition law purpose modified when child cannot be placed with parents, and permanency dispositions modified when child cannot return home.
· HF3761 (Becker-Finn) Appropriating water authority enforcement modified.
• HF3135 (Becker-Finn) State Board of Appellate Counsel for Parents established.
*Amendments are due for all bills by 10 am Monday, March 14th
**Agenda items may be added, deleted and/or taken in any order.
***If you are interested in providing written testimony, oral testimony, or a handout, please email the Committee Administrator and copy the Committee Legislative Assistant by 10am the day before the hearing. Public oral testimony may be limited. Please plan to keep testimony to 2-3 minutes.
Any meeting documents will be posted on the House Judiciary Finance and Civil law committee website at
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