Rep. Tim O'Driscoll
10 State Office Building
HF2810 (Howe); SF2743 (Pappas): PERA-P&F; Modifying public safety officer death benefits; adopting definitions of the Hometown Heroes Act.
HF3136 (Thissen); SF2853 (Pappas): Increasing the maximum permissible employer contribution to a supplemental laborers pension fund.
HFxxxx (Metsa); SFxxxx: TRA, MnSCU-IRAP; Coverage election for certain eligible faculty members not offered a coverage election upon reaching tenure.
HF3606 (Erhardt); SFxxxx: MSRS-Correctional; Corrections Department employee transfer of prior general plan service and retirement annuity adjustment.
Amendment H2807-2A: Commission staff technical corrections.
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